He wants to set up a profit-making company, owned mostly by the university. 他想成立一家主要归这所大学所有的营利性公司。
Publishers are now trying to find new means of profit-making after the prosperity. 繁荣之后,出版商开始另找饭辙。
Money laundering is associated with many major banks 'international profit-making activities – from loan portfolios to project finance. 洗钱与很多大型银行的国际盈利活动有关,比如贷款和项目融资。
Article 33 Consumer organizations shall not be permitted to engage in commodity business or profit-making service provision and shall not be permitted to recommend commodities and services to the public for the purpose of making a profit. 第三十三条消费者组织不得从事商品经营和营利性服务,不得以牟利为目的向社会推荐商品和服务。
No organization or individual may establish or run a school or any other institution of education for profit-making purposes. 任何组织和个人不得以营利为目的举办学校及其他教育机构。
Many farmers don't want to plant crops because it is not profit-making. 许多农民不想种庄稼,因为它无利可图。
Hospitals may be public ( government-owned) or private ( profit-making or not-for-profit); 医院有公立(政府所有)和私立(营利或非营利);
Only by strengthening the cost control, the enterprises can promote their market competition capability and profit-making skills. 企业只有加强成本控制,才能提高企业的市场竞争能力和获利水平。
This was particularly true in the endowed libraries where profit-making businesses were involved. 这种情形在拥有捐赠财产的图书馆中最为多见,因为这类图书馆还要兼有经营上的事务。
Profit-making networks shall be given equal treatment on service rates and technical support. 经营性互联网络应当享受同等的资费政策和技术支撑条件。
Banks have focused on daily profit-making not on creating a tradition of research. 银行关注的是每天的利润情况,而不是创造出一种研究传统。
This profit-making pattern can completely vie with the currency fund, and its liquidity is even better. 这样的模式完全可以媲美货币基金,在流动性上也更胜一筹。
Some artists do not approve of the profit-making business of galleries and museums. 一些艺术家不赞同画廊和博物馆的盈利业务。
It needs to maximize the strengths of interconnecting actors, public and private, profit-making and civil society NGOs. 它必须能最大限度地发挥相互联系的各个主体的优势,包括公共和私营部门,营利机构和民间非政府组织。
Breeding is not a profit-making activity. 繁育并不是一项可以赚钱的活动。
The base year shall be the first profit-making year of the enterprises. 基期年份为此类企业第一个盈利年。
A rational society should draw a line Between legitimate profit-making and exploitative profiteering. 一个理性的社会总应该在正当盈利与暴利剥削之间有一条界限。
She says profit-making businesses talk more about failure than nonprofit organizations do. 她称,盈利企业比非盈利组织在失败上讨论的更多。
How to judge the profit-making condition and financial risks of a company from its financial statement in securities market so as to optimize your investment? 在证券市场上又怎样通过财务报表判断公司的赢利状况和财务风险,从而最优你的投资?
People-run non-enterprise units shall not engage in profit-making business operations. 民办非企业单位不得从事营利性经营活动。
This gave rise to artful and elaborate ways to disguise such profit-making, including foreign currency deals and triangular trading. 这产生了各种精明且复杂的方法来隐藏这样的营利,包括外汇交易和三角贸易。
The dawn of commercial profit-making MUDs in not far away. 商业性的、能够产生利润的MUD的黎明已经不远了。
A charter school might be fully independent or connected to the local school system. It might be operated by a non-profit group or a profit-making company. 一所特许学校可能完全地独立或连接到当地的学校体系。它可能运作于非营利群体或营利公司。
R.S.has challenged the decisions of some companies to accelerate tax deductions on certain leasing transactions between nonprofit and profit-making entities. 近年来,国税局对一些公司在某些非营利性和盈利企业之间的租赁交易中加速减税的决定提出质疑。
The centralization of innovation resources to a small number of industries can help to enhance the ability of technical innovation and profit-making in the whole area, thus further supporting new technical development, drawing more human capital and accelerating the advance of technicalization and knowledge in shanghai. 摘要创新资源集中到少数技术产业有利于提高整个地区的技术创新能力和获利能力,从而进一步支持新的技术开发活动,吸引更多人力资本的流入,使上海经济发展日趋技术化和知识化。
Most profit-making opportunities in business have already been taken. 大多数赚钱的商机已被他人占据。
The whole project is expected to be profit-making by1993. 全部工程预期1993年赢利。
Economic Cyclical Fluctuation's Impact on the Profit-making of Enterprises 经济周期波动对企业盈利的作用机理
It might be operated by a non-profit group or a profit-making company. 可以由非营利团体或营利公司管理。