Thus it came about that the forward motion of progressivism came to a halt in the early uncertain months of 1939. 这样,在一九三九年不稳定的头几个月,进步运动的前进步伐停止了。
Let us now see how progressivism came to flood tide. 现在,让我们看看:进步主义如何走向高潮。
Politically speaking, progressivism can be described as being socially liberal. 从政治上说,进步可以被描述为对社会开放。
The other idea supporting instructional technology is the theory of progressivism. 支持教育技术的另一个观点是进步主义理论。
US progressivism historically advocates the advancement of labor rights and social justice. 美国历来主张进步提高劳动权利和社会正义。
The theoretical basis of the experience curriculum, theme-based curriculum, and activity curriculum is progressivism or existentialism. 设置适应学生经验和个性发展的现代主题课程和活动课程,其基础一般与进步主义或存在主义有关;
Some families had Republican roots in Teddy Roosevelt's progressivism. 一些家庭的共和党根源来自泰迪。罗斯福的进步改革主义。
Shi Jing ( below as Shi): I was influenced by progressivism, and I wanted to make something that was indefinable. 史晶(以下简称史):当时是受到进步论的影响,就是想做出一种无法界定的东西。
In assessing the achievement of progressivism, one should not dismiss lightly the political changes that it effected. 我们评价进步主义成就时,不应轻率漏掉它引起的政治变化。
The other important reason was that the members of scientific party who were inclined to scientism were for the evolution viewpoint of progressivism. 另一方面是因为具有科学主义倾向的科学派人士大都是进步主义进化观的赞成者。
Progressivism is a term that refers to a broad school of international social and political philosophies. 进步是一个术语,指的是广泛的国际学校的社会和政治哲学。
Progressivism and Its Review 进步主义及其检讨
Through reevaluation the rise and fall in the Progressivism Historical thought and the aging other historical academy experiences, the American historians in the 1960s, confronting with the values riots from the social conflicts, explored the functions history would operate in American society. 20世纪60年代美国史学界面对社会冲突带来的价值混乱,通过对进步主义史学影响的涨落和其他史学派别出现过程的考察,对历史学在美国社会发挥的功能进行了探讨。
Due to the complexity of then American society in transition, the story of Progressivism contains many paradoxes that need examining thoroughly. 由于该时期美国社会转型的复杂性,进步主义运动也蕴涵诸多悖论,对其加以准确释读对于观照普遍意义上的资本主义转型不无裨益。
From its very beginning, modern international relations have followed three trad itions: individualism, nation-state, and progressivism or scientism. 当代国际关系自其诞生以来始终遵循着三大传统:个人主义、民族国家及进步或科学传统。这三大传统相辅相成,成为当代国际关系稳定与延续的重要原因。
Marcuse raised his salvation theory-"Utopia" progressivism. 在这样一种条件下,马尔库塞提出了自己的拯救理论&乌托邦革命论。
From Liberalism to Nationalism& The political changes during the period of American progressivism 从自由主义到国家主义&美国进步主义时期的政治变动
From progressivism to existentialism, relativism dominates the progress of modern education philosophy. 从进步主义到存在主义,现代教育哲学是以相对主义为主流的。
Every now and then, party's diversity of class character and progressivism achieves public benefit halfway despite the rise of party in favor of public benefit. 政党的兴起有利于公共利益的实现,但由于政党的阶级性与先进性的差异使公共利益难以完全实现。
Therefore it is of considerable reference value to the theoretical accumulation of Chinese modernity to clarify the concept of aesthetic modernity hidden in modern progressivism. 因此,清理出包裹在现代启蒙进步主义之下的审美现代性概念,并把握其内在矛盾,可以为中国现代性的理论积累提供重要的价值参照。
Understanding the spirit and temperament of that age and the modern meaning of government reform is always the important contents focused on by the American political and administrative scholars when they study the progressivism age. 理解那个时代的精神气质及政府改革的当代意义,历来是美国政治和行政学者所关注的重要内容。
On the other hand, the research has constructed a theoretical base of purpose of comprehensive practice course, such as philosophy, pedagogy, curriculum and teaching according to a concept of comprehensive development of Marxism, progressivism on education, life education concept, constructivist learning theories. 二是把马克思主义的全面发展观、进步主义教育思想、生活教育观、建构主义学习理论作为综合实践活动课程目的的哲学、教育学、课程和教学理论基础。
Besides, aged education includes many rich philosophical viewpoints and theories as well, ranging from emancipatory philosophy, conversion theory and postmodernism to humanism, progressivism and critical philosophy, all of which can be applied to aged education. 复次,老年教育也包含许多丰富的哲学观点及理论,从解放哲学、转化理论、后现代主义到人文主义、进步主义、批判哲学等等均可以置放入老年教育中运用。
The progressivism in American history and public management theory has an important effect on the development. 美国进步主义时期对美国历史以及公共管理理论发展有着重要影响。
If we said that the third part is the macro-analysis of the function and structure of American government during progressivism age, the next study of the reform of civil services and budget system is the middle analysis of system and budget of American government during the progressivism age. 如果说第三部分是对进步主义时代美国政府功能和结构转变的宏观分析,则接下来对文官制度改革、预算制度改革的研究则是对进步主义时代美国政府改革在组织和预算方面的中观分析。
There is always an inner correlation between core concepts of modernity view of development such as anthropocentrism, progressivism, economic centrism, and western-centrism and contemporary developmental risk problems. 现代性发展观的人类中心主义、以理性为基础的进步主义、经济主义和西方中心主义等核心理念与当代发展风险问题的涌现有内在的逻辑关联。