Even in its degraded state, Lake Tai made an ideal habitat for China's chemical industry, which expanded prolifically in the1980s. 即使在它退化的状态下,太湖成了在1980年代剧烈扩张的中国化工业理想的繁衍地。
He wrote prolifically both in Ireland and england, nearly constantly shuttling from one to the other. 他几乎不断穿梭于爱尔兰和英国之间,并在两地写出大量作品。
Consumers are voicing their opinions and desires online more prolifically and loudly than ever before, creating a watershed moment for marketers to establish deep human connections with their customers and to influence their purchases. 消费者在网络上愈发频繁、强烈地表达出他们的看法和希望,营销人员需要利用这一重要变化,与顾客建立深入的人际联系,并对他们的购买行为施加影响。
He developed a theory of unbalanced economic development in China and wrote prolifically about transition economies, which has had profound influence on China's economic development. 他提出了中国经济发展的非均衡理论,并对“转型”经济著有大量学说,对中国经济的发展产生了深远的影响。
I can't help wondering, though, if perhaps even the most prolifically creative among us are better off when they take a vacation. 不过,我情不自禁地猜想,会不会当我们休假的时候,或许我们的创造性会体现最为淋漓尽致。
I was one of those people who lived sensibly and prolifically each minute of his life. 那些一辈子里每分钟都很谨慎的人,我曾经是他们中的一员。
She began writing short fiction in the mid-1970s, and has continued to publish prolifically to the present day. 在70年代中期,她开始短篇小说创作,直到今天,为我们出版了大量的作品。
Files breed prolifically when temperatures are warm, food is abundant, and humidity is moderate. 当天气暖和、食物充足、湿度适宜时,苍蝇会大量繁殖。
The activity in+ 1 leaf was significantly different among nine sugarcane genotypes at different growth stages, and the genotypes grown more prolifically generally possessed higher malic enzyme activity at a certain stage. 不同基因型之间的苹果酸酶活性也表现出明显的差异,但在不同的生长期表现不同,与当时所处的生长状况有关,生势较旺盛的一般活性较高。
He wrote passionately and prolifically about the great questions of life and death, the struggle to survive and to maintain integrity. 他多部作品中都饱含热情的描述关于生命和死亡的一些重大主题,以及追求生存和维护正义的斗争。
Bagley wrote prolifically on the subjects of teacher education, curriculum, educational theory, educational psychology, history of education, and numerous other fields related to education. 巴格莱在教师教育、学校课程、教育理论、教育哲学、教育史及其他与教育相关领域著述颇丰。