Will understand and comply with all elements if the Promega Quality System outlined for the position. 理解并遵守公司对该职位所有的规范和要求。
1.1 DNA extraction: Promega DNA purification kit. 1模板DNA的制备:按PromegaDNA提取试剂盒说明进行。
M-MLV reverse transcriptase and buffer system were from Promega; M-MLV逆转录酶及缓冲系统购自Promega公司;
The PCR products were ligated to pGEM-T vector ( Promega). The quality of the single chromosome library was screened by dot hybridization. 将DOP-PCR方法扩增产物克隆至pGEM-T载体,建立了随体的染色体DNA文库。