He came to prominence during the World Cup in Italy 他在意大利的世界杯赛中声名鹊起。
Crime prevention had to be given more prominence. 防止犯罪方面应当受到更多的重视。
The opaque part gives prominence to the surroundings of the picture. 这幅画阴暗的部分突出了周围的部分。
A relatively new subdiscipline in architecture that has gained significant prominence is the Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA). 体系结构中一个受到很大重视的相对较新的分支是面向服务的体系结构(SOA)。
The COE usually gets more powers and prominence depending on successful outcomes. 取决于成功的结果,COE一般会获得更多的权力和地位。
This ability has helped the Indian outsourcing industry achieve prominence. 这一能力曾帮助了印度外包业取得成功。
These discussions give prominence to the basic characteristic of network teaching. 这些讨论突出了网络教学的基本特征。
The glamor of the East was brought to international prominence by the Russion national school. 俄罗斯民族乐派使东方的魅力产生了国际性的影响。
Australian and Brazilian banks have also risen to prominence. 澳大利亚和巴西的银行也崭露头角。
Prominence of imbalances of interest conflicts of interest are a serious threat to the universalization of a harmonious society. 利益失衡问题的凸显与利益矛盾冲突的普遍化正严重威胁着和谐社会的建设。
The basis of a leader's art gives prominence to the comprehensiveness, particularity and validity. 领导艺术的基础在于其综合性、特殊性和有效性。
You took a person of prominence. 你抓了个显眼的人。
These are: the prominence of the boss's photo in the annual report; 包括老板照片在公司年度报告中的突出程度;
For Chinese research to have more global prominence, Zhao said, more support for innovative research is key. 对于如何提高中国科学研究的全球影响力,赵志耘认为,提高对创新型研究的支持是其中的关键。
Temperate forest ecosystems occupy a position of prominence among all ecosystems. 温带森林生态系统在所有生态系统中占有优势地位。
Second, the region has created city images by giving prominence to local feature and architectural style. 东方式建筑物(风格)二是塑造城市形象,突出地方特色和建筑风格。
To some extent, Business English gives prominence to hypotaxis. 商务英语在一定程度上更加突出了英语形合的特色。
No, it was flare eruptions, which are the chromosphere and prominence on the landscape. 不,那是耀斑爆发,它与日珥都是色球层上的景观。
The Expression of "Whole-part" Relation in Chinese Vocabulary System and Its Prominence in Syntax 整体与部分关系在汉语词汇系统中的表现及在汉语句法中的突显性
Third, give prominence to the representative factors of the traditional culture and the traditional cultural values; 三是突出有代表性的优秀传统文化因素与传统文化价值观;
Not only the number of cultivars developed, but also many have attained prominence. 不仅因为品种的数量增加了,而且许多品种是卓越的。
The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people and respect for people's dignity and value. 中华文明历来注重以民为本,尊重人的尊严和价值。
In the current transform, the central position of police affairs information should be given prominence; 在当前的警务变革中,必须突出警务信息中心的地位;
They are different in size and prominence. 它们的大小和形状各不相同。
It brought the trump brand to greater prominence. 它为特朗普品牌带来了更大的知名度。
Its prominence also made it a frequent subject of public debates about obesity, corporate ethics and consumer responsibility. 它的突出也使约肥胖,企业道德责任和消费者公开辩论频繁的问题。
Technology-What are the new technologies rising to prominence in and around your field? 技术-什么是你的领域的新技术,上升到突出地位和周围?
It can not give prominence to maintain the valued key customers. 这样就不容易突出重点的来维护有价值的重点客户。
Our activity will give prominence to the consanguineous relationship between Microsoft and our entertainment, study and work. 我们的活动将突出展现微软与我们在娱乐、学习、工作方面的密切联系。
This is a very impressive accomplishment and should be given greater prominence in your essay. 这是一个给人深刻印象的成就,应该在文中置于更显著的地位。