Mark the loaf with the prongs of a fork in a criss-cross pattern. 用叉子尖在面包上划十字图案作标记
The shareholder rights movement has two prongs 股东权利运动有两部分。
The usual prongs and holes are mostly hidden. 我们平时使用的插片和插孔大部分都被隐藏起来。
If you believe the frictional differences between prongs or bristles and the usual wooden platform will result in a noticeable change in distance, I have a titanium-faced bridge I'd like to sell you. 如果你相信鬃毛或叉状顶部与常见的木质顶部会使击球距离产生显著的变化,那么我有一座表层镀钛的桥,你要不要买?
A flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place. 把头发压到一块的平的金属发夹;能够使短头发呆在适当的位置。
When you want others know that you are full, you can place your knife and fork together, with the prongs ( tines) of the fork facing upwards on your plate. 当你想让别人知道你吃饱的时候。有可以把你的刀子和叉子和在一起并且把叉子的尖齿朝上放。(如图)
A spear with three prongs. 一种具有三个刺的矛。
Two prongs let you connect it to heat sources or use as handles. 在版的两端各黏上一金属棒来连接热源。
A Y-shaped stick having an elastic strap attached to the prongs, used for flinging small stones. 一种Y形的棍子,其叉子上系有一根有弹性的带子,用于投掷小石块。
A long-handled tool with sharp widely spaced prongs for lifting and pitching hay. 有尖锐的宽叉头的用来举起和投掷干草的长把工具。
James transformed into a stag, hence the name Prongs. 詹姆变形为一头牡鹿,因此得名尖头叉子。
Teachers ate the same food, served in utilitarian aluminium dishes and eaten with Sporks ( a spoon with prongs) hideous pieces of cutlery designed to make children eat fast. 教师吃的食物相同,这些食物盛在实用的铝器皿内,需要用前头带分叉的调羹一种旨在加快学生吃饭速度的恐怖餐具食用。
The "zone of interests" issue has proved to be the less controversial of the two prongs of the Data Processing test. 对“数据加工”案的双重标准,“利益范围”问题被证明是争议不多的。
A spear with three prongs. No roses without thorns. 一种具有三个刺的矛。没有不带刺的玫瑰。
AC power out. Open shape group, select prongs/ receptors and fill black/ white. 交流电输出。打开形状组合,选中管脚/接收器并填充黑色/白色。
How many prongs are inlved in this operation? 这次行动里有多少炮?
These prongs don't usually snap oft by themselves. 这些电极通常不会自己断开。
One of the prongs of the garden fork went through his foot. 园艺叉子的一个尖齿把他的脚扎了。
An agricultural tool used for lifting or digging; has a handle and metal prongs. 用于举起物品或挖掘的农业工具;有一个手柄和金属尖头。
Conclusions: Inhaled NO by CPAP with nasal prongs shorted the time for the neonate to correct the hypoxic respiratory failure, inhale oxygen and stay in hospital. 结论:鼻塞法CPAP吸入NO缩短了纠正Ⅰ型呼衰的时间和氧疗及住院的时间。
Conclusion Oxygen inhalation via nasal prongs ( oxygen flow 4L/ min) can increase oxygen saturation significantly during fibreoptic bronchoscopy, thus reducing occurrence of hypoxemia. 结论鼻塞法供氧,氧流量为4Lmin能够明显提高纤维支气管镜检查中血氧饱和度,降低检查引起的缺氧,减少低氧血症的发生;
Inhaled nitric oxide therapy by CPAP with nasal prongs for the newborn with hypoxic respiratory failure and follow-up of 30 months 一氧化氮对低氧型呼吸衰竭新生儿的疗效及其生长发育的影响
Drilling property of PDC non-core bit cutting prongs and its relationship with its cross rake angle and cover coeffient PDC无心钻头切削齿横向前角和覆盖系数与钻进性能的关系
Clinical Observation of the Effect of Oxygen Inhalation Via Nasal Prongs on Bronchoscopy Induced Hypoxia 鼻塞法供氧对降低纤维支气管镜检查致缺氧的临床效果观察