He was biting off more than he could chew when he offered to finish proof-reading the book in a couple of hours. 他提出他可以在两三个小时内校完这本书,真有点不自量力。
For this reason, bugs and errors are to be expected despite careful proof-reading. 因此,词典内容虽经详细校对,但错误仍在所难免。
Several kinds of commonly made punctuation mistakes are summed up by illustrating such mistakes in proof-reading made in ancient books, reasons for which are analyzed one by one. 对现行点校本古籍中误标误点的若干例证逐一分析错误成因,进而归纳总结出古书标点的几种常见错误。
A lot of proof-reading is put out to freelancers. 校对工作有很多是请外人做的。
Writing and editing English and Chinese research materials, proof-reading and translating English materials into Chinese and vice versa. 编写和编辑中、文市场研究资料,校对、译资料由英文译成中文或由中文译成英文。
There are no set-up costs as you do all the origination, formatting, proof-reading, cover etc, yourself. 这样做没有准备阶段的成本,你一个人集创作、格式调整、校对、封面设计等工作于一身。
But also proof-reading, but also refer to the answer, but also editing. 又要校对,又要参考答案,又要编辑。
This article puts forward a method of vertical proof-reading based on OCR, providing a new approach to word-processing, picture-displaying and proof-reading as well as a detailed analysis of array structure and its accessing method. 提出一种基于OCR识别的文字纵向校对的实现方法,在文字信息处理、图像显示和校对过程中提出了自己的算法和策略,对数组结构及其读写方法进行了较细致的分析。
This paper deals with a method of heuristic searching in proof-reading of ancient books by way of using computer. 本文讨论了用微机进行古籍校对时所采取的一种启发武搜索方法。
Study and Realization of a Method to Vertical Proof-reading Based on OCR 基于OCR的纵向文字校对的研究与实现
To date, academia has deep and detailed research on his history and proof-reading science. The research about his literary thought and literary theory has become the rise of cultural criticism. 迄今,学界对其史学、校雠学的研究精细入微,文学思想、文学理论方面的研究也日渐兴起,但是文体批评方面的研究仍然停留于零散状态,有待进一步挖掘和系统化。
Part Two is about the whole translation process, including translation preparations, proof-reading and modification. 第二章主要叙述了完成本次项目翻译任务的整个过程,包括译前准备和译后的校对修改工作。