The number of prosecutions has stayed static and the rate of convictions has fallen. 提起诉讼的数量持平,有罪判决率下降。
The two officers were being investigated by the director of public prosecutions 两名警官正在接受检察官的审查。
In all capital or criminal prosecutions a man has a right to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted with the accusers and witnesses. 在所有死刑或刑事诉讼中,个人有权要求知道被控告的原因与性质,有权要求与控告者和证人进行对质。
Long-term, intelligence-based and undercover operations resulted in many prosecutions. 警方根据情报和派出卧底进行长时间的调查,结果提出多宗检控。
Watchdog groups and reform-minded politicians occasionally put pressure on the groups, leading to investigations and prosecutions. 监管机构和改革派政治家偶尔会对这些集团施压,从而导致调查和起诉。
But India's External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee says prosecutions must also take place here. 但是印度外长穆克吉说,起诉也必须在印度进行。
Any evidence could be used for prosecutions in Germany and passed to Austrian law-enforcement officials. 任何证据都可能用于在德国提起诉讼,并会移交给奥地利执法官员。
Given the size of the Netherlands 'economy, trade and involvement in risky sectors and markets, the OECD concludes that more investigations and prosecutions of foreign bribery would be expected. 鉴于荷兰的经济、贸易规模和它在风险行业和市场的参与程度,经合组织认为,该国应该对海外贿赂行为进行更多的调查和检控。
Criminal prosecutions are public. 刑事公诉是公开的。
These questions are not only relation to the prosecutions own location and ownership, but also relation to the future direction of the judicial system and the national constitutional framework. 这些问题不仅关系到检察机关自身的定位和归属,而且关系着司法体制改革的未来走向以及国家宪政架构。
This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United nations. 在真正由于非政治性的罪行或违背联合国的宗旨和原则的行为而被起诉的情况下,不得援用此种权利。
A lawyer who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the state. 代表国家利益对犯罪进行起诉的律师。
The Court's statute ensures against unwarranted prosecutions. 法院规约确保防范不必要的起诉。
Customs taskforce set up last year to battle Internet piracy has failed to secure any prosecutions. 海关去年成立了工作小组,专门打击网上盗版,但至今还没有作过一次检控。
For enquiries on this notice, please contact the Central Traffic Prosecutions Bureau. 如对本通知书有任何查询,请致电中央交通违例检控科。电话。
Customs officers crawl through dimly lit aircraft cavities, arrests, prosecutions and fines are made. 海关工作人员爬行穿过光线昏暗的飞机腔体,对过失者实行逮捕、起诉和罚款。
Reports of prosecutions in China over dodgy accounting in cases where investors or clients are victims remain scarce. 在中国,投资者和顾客作为受害人而对做假账的公司提起诉讼的案例还很少。
He praised the US and Germany for pursuing high-level prosecutions against some of their biggest companies. 他表扬了美国和德国对本国一些大公司高管提起诉讼的努力。
Prosecutions in the US of CIA officials remain unlikely. CIA官员仍然不太可能在美国受到起诉。
Prosecutions including the charges filed against Mr Rajaratnam and five others have largely focused on leaked corporate information. 对拉贾那纳姆及其他五名高管提起的指控也主要集中在泄露公司信息方面。
In India, empowering women at the local level led to an increase in the provision of public goods such as water and sanitation as well as increased reporting and prosecutions of crimes against women. 在印度,地方层面的妇女赋权带来了水和卫生设施等公共资源的增加,同时也增加了对针对妇女的犯罪行为的举报和起诉。
More than half the countries say they can bring criminal prosecutions against companies. 一半以上的国家表示,它们可以对企业提起刑事指控。
The director of public prosecutions may institute proceedings against them. 检察长可能会对他们提起诉讼。
Rather than building a consensus against torture, which is the real prize, prosecutions might militate against it. 起诉也许不会建立起反对酷刑的共识这才是真正值得努力的方向而是会产生不利影响。
Thirty-eight countries have now signed up to the OECD's1997 anti-corruption convention, leading to a spate of cross-border prosecutions. 38个国家现在已经签署了经合组织1997反腐公约,导致接二连三的跨国起诉。
Successful prosecutions are possible but by no means guaranteed. 成功起诉是可能的,但不是绝对的。
Even when authorities won the right to pursue cases through criminal courts, prosecutions were exceptional events. 即便有关部门获得刑事法庭立案的权力,立案起诉的也是微乎其微。
Keir Starmer, the director of public prosecutions, and the Criminal Bar Association believe that relaxing the ban would be good in principle. 刑事检控专员KeirStarmer和刑事律师协会认为放松禁令原则上会有利于公平地进行刑事审判。
The Chief Justice and the Director of Public Prosecutions will also retain their cars. 另外,为了保证人身安全,大法官和检查总长也有专门配备的公车。