It has always been assumed, however, that one of them is a fund of funds run by prot é g é itself. 但外界一直认为,其中有一只基金是Protégé自己管理的一只母基金。
This bulletin concerns the 10-year zero-coupon bond that the two bettors, Buffett and prot é g é, bought with the collateral they put up as the bet began. 此处要谈的是双方从赌局之初就购入和提交的抵押品10年期零息美国国债。
Prot é g é is still a bit ahead. Protégé仍然略微领先。
The five funds of funds picked by prot é g é partners to carry its flag in the race are up, on the average, only "gulp," says prot é g é partner Ted seides 0.13%. Protégé为这场赌局选择的五只母基金也转跌为升,平均涨幅0.13%,用Protégé合伙人泰德•塞德斯的话说,终于“长喘了口气”。
PROT_READ and PROT_WRITE indicate that the pages in the segment can be read from and written to, respectively. PROTREAD和PROTWRITE分别表示可以读和写这个内存段中的页面。
In the same vein, some of the folks I work with on IT professions genuinely and tirelessly work to advance the profession, and sincerely help their prot é g é s to advance their careers. 同样,和我共事的一些IT专业人员是真正不知疲倦地发展自己的职业技能,也真心帮助他们的同事发展他们的职业。
It also, however, has its limits, which Frank discovers to his detriment when he publicly humiliates his choice for vice presidential running mate and the former prot é g é turns against him in a spectacular way. 这种控制也有局限性,弗兰克曾公开羞辱他的副总统竞选伙伴,最终这位曾经的门徒以一种惊人的方式背叛了他,并给他造成了损失。
It will also turn a spotlight on Choe Ryong Hae, the 63-year-old prot é g é of Mr. Jang who is now perhaps the most prominent remaining leader under Mr. Kim. 张成泽的落马也使外界的关注焦点转向63岁的崔龙海(ChoeRyongHae),他现在可能是金正恩政权中所剩的最有影响力的领导人。
We think Protection needs Spiritual Attunement for obvious reasons, so we are making it a deep Prot talent. 我们觉得防御天赋还是非常有理由需要灵魂协调天赋的,所以我们正在把它弄去防御的深层天赋。
With Paul and Williams the veterans of the team, they will need a young prot é g é or two to mentor just as Jason Kidd did for them. 保罗和威廉姆斯将会作为老兵镇守后场,他们需要一到两个年轻球员让他们去言传身教,就像基德曾经为他们做的一样。
Touched by the Light helps to solve a specific problem which is that paladins do both physical and magical damage and Prot paladins need both for threat ( and damage). 感动轻帮助解决一个具体问题是,圣骑士这样的物理和魔法伤害和普罗特圣骑士必须为威胁(和损坏)。
Mr Cheney used his mastery of bureaucracy to fill the administration with his prot é g é s and to control the flow of information to the president. 靠着自己出色的官僚手腕,切尼和他的手下们一起完善了布什政府的执政能力,也控制了总统的信息渠道。
Sculley was initially reluctantly to talk about Steve Jobs, his former partner at Apple, who had been both his prot é g é and mentor. 斯卡利一开始并不很愿意谈论史蒂夫·乔布斯,这位他在苹果时的前搭档,既是他的门徒,也是他的导师。
We're happy with the state of Prot now and even happier that warriors seem to like the spec. 我们对防御天赋的状态很满意;甚至比战士们自己对这个天赋的评价还要高。
Failure analysis of ball-socket axis in prot crane shows that broken axis accident is caused by heat treatment residue stress. 由港口起重机球铰轴的失效分析结果表明热处理残余应力是引发断裂事故的根源。
Application in Expression of Drug Knowledge and Comparison of Prot é g é text Annotation Tools Protégé文本标注工具在药物知识表示中的应用及其比较
The first fight is a true show of how much you can entirely lock down a healer as prot spec that you could not do as Arms or Fury. 视屏中的第一场决斗不是真的决斗,只是给大家展示一下作为一个防御战士你能怎样锁定一个治疗职业,而不象武器或者狂暴战士那样对治疗职业毫无办法。
China's aim is to signal to America and its prot é g é s in Asia Taiwan and Japan especially that it has ways of countering the space-based technology on which America's armed forces rely so heavily. 中国的目的是想警告美国和其亚洲的盟友(台湾,特别是日本),他们拥有可以反击美国军事力量中赖以信任的空间武器技术。
Prot told me to find the bluebird of happiness. 波特叫我找幸福的青鸟。
Prot warriors for example miss Shield Slams. 举例来说防战的盾猛就会未命中。
We have no problem if Prot paladins are hard to kill like Prot warriors or bear druids are hard to kill. 如果防骑像防战或熊德那样难以被杀死,那我们没有任何问题。但我想这不是我们正在讨论的话题。
While Mr Putin is a product of the Soviet system in terms of his mindset and political reflexes, his prot é g é was 26 years of age when the Soviet Union collapsed and has spent most of his adult life in the post-Soviet world. 普京从思想和政治本能来说是苏联体制的产物,而他的门生在苏联解体时不过26岁,他成年后的大部分岁月是在后苏联时期度过的。
Far from being closed societies resisting modernity, he says, Iran and its prot é g é s are heeding Ayatollah Khomeini's call to replace the "colonised brain" with the "independent brain". 他说,非但没有接近抵抗现代性的社会,伊朗和追随者都听从阿亚图拉•霍梅尼(已故的伊朗最高精神领袖&译者注)的号召,用“独立的大脑”取代“殖民统治的大脑”。
To decide once and for all who will go with prot. 来决定谁跟波特走。
Baudouin prot, BNP chief executive, said the takeover would boost earnings from the first year and would improve its capital ratios. 法国巴黎银行首席执行官博杜安普罗特(baudouinprot)表示,此次收购从第一年开始就将提升该行利润,同时也会改善其资本比率。
Prot, I would like to know your friend's name. 波特,我想知道你朋友叫什么。
We are going to fix the specific scenario where a PvP paladin with a Prot build but spell power gear can heal for more than a Holy build in the same gear. 我们要解决的具体情况下的外汇交易同步交收帕拉丁普罗特拼写电力建设,但可以治愈齿轮超过罗马建立在相同的齿轮。
As Affix said, if Prot paladins are impossible to kill because of their healing potential, the answer is not to make Holy paladins even more powerful than that. 作为词缀说,如果蛋白质是不可能的圣骑士杀死,因为他们的治疗潜力,答案是不是让教廷圣骑士更强大了。
But did all the senior members of the economics team have to be prot é g é s of Robert Rubin, the apostle of financial deregulation? 但是,是不是所有的经济团队都必须是金融自由化信徒罗伯特·鲁宾的门生?
Mr Kelly says the downturn has temporarily prevented investors from reaping profits from their prot é g é s. 凯利先生说经济衰退使得投资者暂时告别了从高回报行业获利的时代。