The functions for extracellular ProT α are mainly regulating immune response through the potential receptor on cell membrane, which increases the production of some cell factors such as IFN-α, TNF-α and IL-2. Furthermore, these factors potentiate cellular and humoral immunity. 在胞外,ProTα通过潜在的膜受体调节免疫应答,促进IFN-γ、TNF-α、IL-2等细胞因子的产生,进而增强细胞和体液免疫应答。
A Review of AIDS and Syphilis Surveillance Result at Ningbo Prot form 1987-1999 宁波口岸1987~1999年艾滋病、梅毒监测结果分析
METHODS The effects of ProT α on the E-rosette formation rate, proliferation of thymocytes in mice, and secretion of IL-2, IFN-γ with or without ConA, were analyzed respectively. 方法体外对其促进E玫瑰花结形成率,在ConA存在下及单独使用ProTα对小鼠胸腺细胞的促增殖作用,以及对细胞活素IL2,IFNγ的促诱生作用进行检测。