In color and fabric, is based on popular trends this year, chose to protactinium gather green camouflage fabric; 在色彩和面料上,是根据今年流行趋势,选择了返镤归真的绿色迷彩面料;
The adsorption of protactinium by unfired porous borosilicate glass 多孔高硅氧玻璃对镤的吸附
Absorption behaviours of protactinium on inorganic absorbents and separation of protactinium from~ ( 233) U and Th 镤在无机吸附剂上的吸附行为及它与铀、钍的分离
The extraction efficiency of protactinium is measured under the conditions of shaking time, concentrations of different acid and extractant concentrations. The effect of F~-is also investigated. 分析了萃取效率与震荡时间、不同种类的无机酸浓度和萃取剂浓度的关系及F-对Pa溶剂萃取的影响。