N-UNCOUNT 贸易保护主义 Protectionism is the policy some countries have of helping their own industries by putting a large tax on imported goods or by restricting imports in some other way.
...talks to promote free trade and avert increasing protectionism. 为促进自由贸易和遏制贸易保护主义抬头进行的谈判
Shrill voices on both sides of the Atlantic are advocating protectionism. 大西洋两岸都在大肆鼓吹贸易保护主义。
Fourth, we must avoid both protectionism and false pieties. 第四,我们必须避免首鼠两端一端是保护主义的真小人而另一端是自由主义的假道学。(典型的认知不协调)。
He will pursue the national interest, regional and global power, protectionism and mercantilism. 他将追求国家利益、地区和全球影响力、保护主义和重商主义。
Protectionism clearly undermines the notion of an open and efficient market. 保护主义显然破坏了开放和高效率市场的概念。
The British premier believes rising oil prices, protectionism and high unemployment could undermine a fragile economy. 布朗认为,油价攀升、保护主义和高失业率可能会削弱脆弱的经济。
This is local protectionism. 这是地方保护主义。
This is a formula for economic strife, whether called "currency wars," protectionism or economic nationalism. 这是经济冲突中的公式,不管是叫“货币战争”也好,贸易保护主义也好,经济国家主义也罢。
High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance. 高利率和潜在的出口市场上的保护主义使经常帐户的情况更加恶化。
This wave of unilateral, competitive devaluations creates a vicious cycle that leads to trade and exchange rate protectionism. 这股单边竞争性贬值的浪潮造成了一种恶性循环,从而导致了贸易与汇率保护主义。
Financial protectionism is driven by the logic of the market and political pressure. 市场逻辑和政治压力助长了金融保护主义。
Racial quotas and protectionism are scaring away some foreign investors. 种族配额和保护主义吓跑了一些外国投资者。
They can impede the process of adding value through trade, protectionism or disruptive currency interventions. 国家通过贸易、保护主义或是具有破坏性的汇率干预都会妨碍增值过程。
In addition, the trade area poses global risks of protectionism or competitive depreciation. 此外,贸易领域带来了保护主义或竞争性贬值的全球风险。
The risk of trade protectionism and trade wars is another argument in favour of a multilateral approach. 此外,贸易保护主义和贸易战的风险也是多边主义模式受到支持的一个理由。
Second, oppose trade and investment protectionism. 二要共同反对贸易和投资保护主义。
Trade protectionism fundamentally alters the make-up of an economy. 贸易保护主义从根本上改变了一个经济体的构成。
It has been the collapse in demand, not protectionism, that has savaged trade flows. 是需求的暴跌、而非保护主义,无情地打击了贸易流动。
We must safeguard the uniformity and sanctity of the legal system and prevent or overcome local and departmental protectionism. 维护法制的统一和尊严,防止和克服地方和部门的保护主义。
It is supposed to foster global co-operation on fiscal stimulus packages and financial market regulation and contain emerging protectionism. 人们认为,这将促进财政刺激计划和金融市场监管方面的全球合作,遏制新兴的保护主义。
At the forum, Mr Brown warned gravely against "deglobalisation" and denounced trade and financial protectionism. 在论坛上,布朗对“去全球化”进行了严正警告,并谴责了贸易及金融保护主义。
Rivalry with China has stirred a debate about resource protectionism in India. 与中国的竞争,在印度引发了一场关于资源保护主义的辩论。
China's growth and US protectionism: an economic effect of globalisation? 中国的崛起和美国的贸易保护主义:来自全球化的经济效益?
Should this effort fail, I fear a resurgence of protectionism will be the outcome. 万一这一努力失败了,我担心结局将是保护主义复苏。
This changes the politics of protectionism. 这改变了保护主义的政治学。
The consequences of such protectionism are likely to test Europe economically, politically and legally. 这类保护主义的后果可能会对欧洲形成经济、政治和法律上的考验。
We abandoned trade protectionism and encouraged foreign investment. 我们放弃了贸易保护主义政策,开始鼓励外商投资。
Recession and rising unemployment always provoke calls for protectionism. 经济衰退和失业增加,总会激起保护主义呼声。
Farm protectionism is not new and international markets are grotesquely distorted by tariffs and subsidies. 农业保护主义不是什么新事物,关税与补贴早已严重扭曲了国际市场。
Nevertheless, some experts see alarming parallels with the competitive devaluations and protectionism of the great depression. 然而,一些专家从中看到了与大萧条时期的竞争性贬值和保护主义类似的苗头。
But this form of protectionism must be resisted. 但必须对这种形式的保护主义加以抵制。