Effect of intensifying high temperature ripening on proteolysis in dry-cured ham 强化高温成熟缩短工艺时间对干腌火腿蛋白质水解的影响
Proteolysis The hydrolysis of proteins into their amino acid. 指蛋白质被水解为氨基酸。
Proteolysis and putrefaction are typical results of microbial spoilage of such high-protein materials. 蛋白水解和腐化是这些高蛋白物质发生微生物变质的典型结果。
For beta-lactoglobulin, a cow's milk allergen that is resistant to pepsin cleavage, bile acids enhanced its proteolysis by pancreatic proteases even after incubation under gastric conditions. 如beta-乳球蛋白是牛乳中的一种抗原蛋白,不易被胃蛋白酶分解,即使在胃内环境中胆汁酸也可以增强胰蛋白酶对它的分解作用。
Expression of proteolysis inducing factor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 蛋白水解诱导因子在食管鳞状细胞癌中的表达
Proteolysis The hydrolysis of proteins into their amino acid. Enzymes that catalyze this are proteases or proteolytic enzymes. 蛋白质水解:指蛋白质被水解为氨基酸。催化的酶为蛋白酶或蛋白水解酶。
The effects of commercial enzyme preparation on proteolysis and lipolysis of Cheddar cheese 商业酶制剂对契达干酪蛋白水解和脂解的影响
Proteolysis of Silkworm Pupa and Antioxidative Activity of the Hydrolysate; Study on Development-Related Proteome during Larval and Pupal Stages in Silkworm, Bombyx Mori 家蚕幼虫期和蛹期发育相关蛋白质组的研究
This proteolysis and anaerobic breakdown of proteins that yields foul-smelling amine compounds is called putrefaction. 蛋白水解及厌氧裂解会产生具有恶臭气味的胺类化合物的反应叫做腐败。
Proteolysis and denaturation of porcine proteins on heating were investigated. 在加热的条件下,猪肉蛋白质发生热变性和热降解。
Influence of Different Starters on Proteolysis and Sensory Quality During Goat Milk Cheeses Ageing 不同发酵剂对羊奶干酪成熟期间蛋白质降解和感官品质的影响
Any enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins into smaller peptide fractions and amino acids by a process known as proteolysis. 能通过蛋白质水解过程将蛋白质催化分解为更小的缩氨酸和氨基酸的酶。
Glucocorticoids and various proinflammatory cytokines are important regulators of muscle proteolysis in stressed patients. 在应激病人中,糖皮质激素和各种前炎症因子是肌肉蛋白质水解的重要调节因素。
Effect of papain tenderized on proteolysis and tenderness of air-dry chicken muscle made by spent layers 木瓜蛋白酶嫩化处理对淘汰蛋鸡风鸡肌肉蛋白质水解和嫩度等品质的影响
The study on the proteolysis effect of different milk-clotting enzymes during cheesemaking; The clinical evaluation of phacoemulsification and extracapsular cataract extraction in treatment of hypermature stage cataract 不同凝乳酶对干酪成熟期间蛋白质降解的影响超声乳化术与囊外摘出术治疗过熟期白内障
Effects of limited proteolysis on functional properties of soy 11S glycinin 限制性酶解对大豆11S球蛋白功能特性的影响
In this paper, the proteolysis and sensory properties of mixed milk cheese during ripening period were studied. 对混合型大豆干酪成熟过程中蛋白质的降解及感官特性变化进行了研究。
Ubiquitin system, a new protein degradation pathway, is regarded as the important one for proteolysis of skeletal muscle. 泛素系统是近年来新发现的蛋白降解途径,目前研究认为该系统在骨骼肌蛋白高分解代谢中有重要作用。
It suggest the significant effect of the ripening temperature on the proteolysis. 说明成熟温度显著影响干酪的蛋白水解性。
Changing of activity of the proteolysis is similar to that of the ratio of Pr/ RNA. 蛋白水解酶活性的变化相似于Pr/RNA值在上述两种材料中的变化情况;
Proteolysis and amino acid metabolism in autolyzing rabbit left ventricular myocardium were studied. 本文对家兔心肌自溶时的蛋白质水解和氨基酸代谢进行了研究。
The research studied proteolysis of soy cheese during ripening by comparing with pure milk cheese. 本文主要研究了豆奶干酪成熟过程中蛋白水解的变化,并与纯牛乳干酪进行比较。
The cross| linked forms of protein crystals not only retain the bioactivity, but also display enhanced stability against heat, extremes of pH and temperature, organic solvents and proteolysis. 蛋白晶体的交联形式不仅保留了蛋白的生物活性,而且显示了对热、极端pH和温度、有机溶剂和蛋白水解酶的更高稳定性。
This vector also contains thrombin protease cleavage site to facilitate proteolysis of the bacterial fusion proteins. 为便于从融合蛋白中解离出目的多肽,这个载体中含有特异的蛋白酶裂解位点。
The elaboration of glucocorticoid facilitates proteolysis, thus increasing glutamine release from skeletal muscle for gut repair. 皮质激素的释放促进骨骼肌蛋白质分解,骨骼肌的谷氨酰胺释放增加,用于肠修补。
Ripening time showed significant influence on proteolysis, pH and texture. 成熟时间对蛋白分解、质构和pH均影响显著。
Therefore, F-box protein mediated proteolysis may be an important gene expression mechanism in plants. 因此,F-box蛋白质介导的泛素化蛋白质降解途径可能是植物基因表达调控的重要机制。
Heat treatment, protein oxidation and proteolysis were implicated at least in changes of protein surface hydrophobicity of sarcoplasmic proteins and myofibrillar proteins, and further resulting in protein particle size changes. 热作用、蛋白质氧化和降解显著影响了肌浆蛋白和肌原纤维蛋白的表面疏水性,进而影响了蛋白质在加工过程中粒径的变化。
PIF can both cause skeletal muscle proteolysis in vivo and in vitro. 在体内和体外,PIF都可以引起骨骼肌的蛋白水解。
Ubiquitin/ proteasome-dependent pathway is a highly selective proteolysis pathway. 泛素依赖性的蛋白质降解途径是目前已知的重要的、有高度选择性的蛋白降解途径之一。