The antibacterial ability of chitosan to E.coli was related to the protonation of amino group. 壳聚糖对大肠杆菌的抑菌作用与其氨基的质子化有关。
Fluorescence Spectra and Protonation of Ofloxacin in Strong Acidic Solutions 强酸性环境中氧氟沙星的荧光光谱与质子化作用研究
The surface sites of tripoli(α-quartz) and its protonation are first analyzed and discussed, and then the surface electrochemical properties of tripoli are further investigated. 分析与探讨了粉石英的表面位及其质子化反应,对粉石英的表面电化学性质作了进一步研究。
The strong acidic soils would cause the protonation of EDTA and weaken its extracting ability. 酸性过强的土壤容易使EDTA发生质子化,从而降低其萃取能力;
It was shown that the mechanism of protonation under FAB was quite different from that under CI. 结果表明,FAB质子化机理与CI是不同的。
The possible position of the protonation in the solvent molecule is discussed. 针对几种分离效果较优的萃取剂,探讨了该萃取剂与醋酸发生质子化的可能位置。
Aim To determin the protonation equilibrium and lipophilicity for levofloxacin. 目的测定左氧氟沙星的质子解离平衡和亲脂性。
Protonation diluent was more effective than others in low equilibrium concentration of maleic acid. 对于4种稀释剂体系,当平衡水相酸浓度较低时,萃取马来酸的次序为质子化稀释剂大于一般极性的稀释剂;
The action of protonation are studied by the Raman and UV/ Vis spectra. 并用激光Raman和UV/Vis光谱观测质子化作用。
In-situ Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Protonation of Polypyrrole Film Electrodes 现场拉曼光谱研究聚吡咯膜电极的质子化行为
Spectral Properties, Protonation and Fluorescence Quantum Yield of Ciprofloxacin 环丙沙星的光谱性质、质子化作用与荧光量子产率
In the previous paper the equilibrium constants Keq for protonation of substituted pyridine bases in aqueous solution have been determined. 前文我们对取代吡啶杂环碱在水中质子化作用平衡常数进行了测定[1]。本文利用和前文相同的方法测定了具有不同取代基喹啉碱类的平衡常数[2]。
Study on the adsorption kinetics 、 adsorption isotherm and protonation contants, conclude the mechanism of adsorption by IR. 采用了静态吸附实验,研究了二者之间的吸附动力学、吸附等温线及表面质子化常数,通过吸附前后的红外光谱分析其吸附机理。
A Quantum Chemical Study on the Protonation Reaction of Benzene and Its Derivatives 苯及其衍生物质子化反应的量子化学研究
The model of surface protonation and double electrical layer were used to explain it. 薄膜的生长基于非均相生长机理,吸附反应过程可以用表面质子化模型和双电层模型解释。
A proposal mechanism of protonation under FAB was discussed. 本文对FAB质子化机理进行了探讨。
Conclusion With the help of the protonation constants and protonation process, we can further study the stability of the metal complexes as well as the catalytic machanism of metal enzymes. 结论配体的质子化常数和质子化过程的研究对于进一步了解金属配合物的稳定性以及模拟金属酶的催化过程和催化机理具有重要意义。
Fluorescence Spectra and Protonation of Ofloxacin 氧氟沙星的荧光光谱与质子化作用研究
Finally, the effect of the protonation to the bridged oxygen is also. briefly discussed. 最后简短讨论了桥氧上质子化的影响。
The structure and protonation level of conductive polyaniline ( PANI) chemically synthesized in different reactive systems have been investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS). 采用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)方法对不同反应体系下化学合成的聚苯胺(PANI)的结构和掺杂状况进行了研究。
Fluorescence spectra, ultraviolet absorption spectra, and protonation of Ciprofloxacin ( CIP) at different pH values have been studied. Fluorescence quantum yield of CIP under neutral condition has been measured. 研究了环丙沙星(ciprofloxacin,CIP)在不同pH条件下的荧光光谱、紫外吸收光谱和质子化作用,测量了CIP在中性条件下的荧光量子产率。
The fact shows that effect of protonation of ligands is the main cause of the change in kinetic property of reaction studied. 这说明,配体加合质子作用是被研究反应动力学性质变化的主要原因。
~ ( 31) P and 1H NMR Study of the Protonation of Trimethyl and Tributyl Phosphates 磷酸三甲(丁)酯质子化的~(31)P和~1HNMR研究
Rules of wavelength and intensity of the fluorescence in different pH medium were discovered. The correlation between the protonation, tautomerism and luminescence characteristics of quinolone are studied. It is found that in pH 6-8 or 2-4 there are two luminescence species. 发现了在不同pH介质中喹诺酮类药物的荧光波长和荧光强度的变化规律,并对喹诺酮类药物质子化作用及互变异构现象与荧光性质的相关性进行了考察。
Furthermore, the protonation processes of some important neutral species are especially important in ionic environments or interstellar space. 另外,质子化反应是化学和生物学中最简单但是又是最重要的反应之一,尤其是一些重要中性分子的质子化反应在离子化学条件下和星际空间中都是非常关键的反应。
The dielectric loss, boiling point and the efficiency of protonation were combined action on the reaction results. 溶剂的介电损耗值、沸点及质子化效率等共同作用对实验结果产生影响。
We reveal the protonation and deprotonation processes of gaseous histidine molecule using the DFT calculations. 本章通过高精度的密度泛函理论计算揭示气相组氨酸的质子化和去质子化过程。
In the process of synthesis monosubstituted benzimidazoles, there was an important oxidation step. The efficiency of protonation of the solvents influenced the production of disubstituted benzimidazoles obviously. 单取代苯并咪唑的合成过程中存在一个重要的氧化步骤,双取代苯并咪唑的形成受溶剂质子化效率影响更显著。
In Br φ nsted acids-catalyzed domino reactions, the activation of the substrate relies on the partial protonation or the formation of a strictly directed hydrogen bond by the catalyst. 在Brφnsted酸催化的多米诺反应中,底物的活化依赖于部分质子化或者与催化剂形成严格定向的氢键。