Advances on genetic analysis of microsatellite DNA in Protozoology 微卫星DNA遗传分析在原生动物学中的研究进展
Comparing with the multicellular life-forms, Hypotrichous ciliates have complex microtubule structures, the study of microtubule-like organelle of ciliates has been one of the important research fields in protozoology and cell biology, several methods have been used to display these microtubule-like structures. 与多细胞生物相比,单细胞的纤毛虫具有更复杂的微管结构,许多研究将微管类胞器作为原生动物细胞学和细胞生物学的重要内容,并采用各种方法来显示这些微管类结构。
Study on the ciliary pattern has been an active field in protozoology. 纤毛虫的纤毛模式(又称纤毛图示)的研究,一直是原生动物学研究中较为活跃的领域。