School-running aim: Strive to make Yucai School provincially and nationally well-known for difference education. 办学目标:努力把育才学校创办成一所省内外知名的差异教育特色学校。
At present, Quebec is the only province with a personal data protection law in effect that applies to the provincially regulated private sector. 目前,魁北克省是唯一制定个人数据保护法并已生效的省份,这部法律适用于该省管辖的私人部门。
"* provinces, autonomous regions, directly administered municipalities, open port cities, special economic zones and provincially administered cities which are authorized to formulate their own independent plans." 省、自治区、直辖市、沿海开放城市、经济特区和计划单列省辖市
The reform of pension insurance system has been put into smooth operation after the Central Authorities decided the overall planning provincially of the basic pension insurance system in1998. 1998年,中央确定全国实行统一的基本养老保险省级统筹的制度,从此,中国养老保险制度的改革步入正常的运行轨道。
We carry out the training patten of the new course for teachers education centred on "Practice-Study-Exchange-Improvement" and based on the theory of new course, and have effectively improved provincially key teachers integrative ability on a short term basis in applying information technology to their teaching work. 进行以实践-学习-交流-提高为核心的基于信息化环境的教师信息技术教育培训模式实践探索,在短期内有效地提升了中学省级骨干教师应用信息技术进行学科教学整合的能力。
Species are nationally protected, 8 species involved in the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of wild Fauna and Flova"( CITES), and 4 species are the ones protected provincially; 国家级重点保护鸟类9种,《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)指定种类8种,河南省级重点保护鸟类4种;