Long-and Medium-term Provisionment Strategy Choice of Inner Mongolia 内蒙古粮食中长期供求关系及对策选择研究
It became a life-and-death problem for the then regimes, which worked out effective policies to ensure provisionment of the capitals and cities. 在这种情况下,各个政权根据当时的实际,纷纷制定自己的粮食政策,采取强有力的手段保障粮食安全,通过各种有效的方式满足京都和地方城市的粮食供应。
Especially in Qing dynasty, Jiangxi was one of the most important places in grain output and became a provisionment base to the provinces around, which created a good condition for its economy crop and handcraft manufacture development. 清代的江西更是最主要的米谷输出地之一,成了周围邻省的粮食供应基地,为其顺利发展经济作物以及手工制造等行业创造了良好的条件。
Continuous wars stimulated development of agricultural production for huge demand on army provisions and guaranteed provisionment of many garrison in Northwest, but inflicted decline of labouring population, deserted cropland and destruction on environment of agricultural production. 虽然连年的战争对军粮的大量需求刺激了陕西农业生产的发展,保证了大批西北驻军的粮食给养,但也导致了大量劳动力人口的锐减、农田的荒芜和农业生产环境的破坏等。