n. (英国某些大学的)学院院长; (美国某些大学的)教务长; (苏格兰的)市长,镇长,区长 provost的复数
(英国大学某些学院的)院长 In some university colleges in Britain, the provost is the head.
(美国某些大专院校的)教务长 In some colleges and universities in the United States, a provost is an official who deals with matters such as the teaching staff and the courses of study.
(苏格兰的)市长,镇长,区长 A provost is the chief magistrate of a Scottish administrative area.
(天主教或圣公会中的)主教座堂(或大圣堂)教士长 In the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches, a provost is the person who is in charge of the administration of a cathedral.