Now when he reached the foot of the hill, he turned again towards the sea, and he saw his ship approaching the harbour, and upon her prow the mariners, the men of his own land. 现在当他到达山麓时,再向海回望,他看见他的船航近港口,船上的水手,都是故乡的人。
AND now the winds which had so long been from the north-west began to blow from the west itself and every morning when the sun rose out of the sea the curved prow of the Dawn Treader stood up right across the middle of the sun. 刮了好多天西北风,如今开始转西风了,每天早晨太阳升出海面,黎明踏浪号的雕花船头就恰好对着太阳正中昂然耸立。
It circled three times round the mast and then perched for an instant on the crest of the gilded dragon at the prow. 信天翁绕着桅杆飞了三圈,接着在船头金龙的颈脊上歇了片刻。
It looked a greasy sort of reflection, and the ripple made by their advancing prow appeared to be heavy, small, and lifeless. 这倒影看上去有点黏糊糊,船头前进时激起的涟漪看上去凝重、细小、没有生气。
A sunken temple loomed up out of the greyness as Yandry and Duck leaned upon their poles and paced slowly from prow to stern, pushing. 当杨恩德里和鸭子斜撑篙慢慢得从船首划到船尾时,一座半淹的庙宇与灰暗中隐现。
From the windows at the prow, where I went for a breath of air a little before dawn, the lights of the fishing boats floated like stars in the water. 我走到船首的窗口,想吸一口黎明前的新鲜空气,我看见水面上渔船的灯光漂浮着,好像星星一样。
Out upon the wharfs they came, Knight and Burgher, Lord and Dame, And around the prow they read her name, The Lady of Shalott. 出来后,他们来到码头,奈特和堡勋爵和圣母院,他们和周围的船头读她的名字,作者:夏洛特夫人。
Thus the City first presented itself to the eye, with its stern to the east, and its prow to the west. 因此,老城首先映入眼帘的是船尾朝东,船头向西。
And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. 这里也有欲望,但不会虚妄到超出船头和船尾。
A carved figure on the prow of a ship. I saw the most wonderful figureheads that had all been far over the ocean. 船头雕饰在船头的雕刻图象我看到了最最漂亮的船头雕饰,这些船都出过远洋。
David and Lucy sat in the prow of the fishing boat and looked across the choppy water. 大卫和露西坐在渔船船头,凝望着烟波浩淼的水面。
Jack yelled with open arms on the prow. 杰克站在船头振臂高呼。
He stands on the prow looking at the sea. 他站在船首看着大海。
And they gazed wonderingly and admiringly at pearl, as if a flake of the sea-foam had taken the shape of a little maid, and were gifted with a soul of the sea-fire, that flashes beneath the prow in the night-time. 他们惊羡地瞅着珠儿,似乎她是变成小姑娘模样的海水的泡沫,被赋予了海中发光生物的灵魂,于夜晚在船下闪烁。
Prow noodle soup with shrimp, bean sprout, pork rib and green vegetable. 虾汤米粉配虾仁,豆芽,小排和蔬菜。
The prow of the motor-boat cut through the water like a knife. 汽艇的船头像一把刀子劈开水面向前行驶。
A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly. 一具尸体站立船首,僵死的脸上有一双闪闪发光的眼睛,灰色的嘴唇悲伤地微笑。
At the prow of the Shy Maid, Young Griff stood with the third pole, to push them away from hazards as they loomed up through the mists. 在害羞小姐号的穿透,小格里夫站在第三个撑杆边,将在雾霭中摸索的众人推离危险。
The second being inspected is the prow navy who dress them up with white uniform, standing quite regularly, just like a stretch of landscape, also a white stone wall, displaying their dauntlessness. 第二个接受检阅的英勇的海军,他们身穿白色的衣服,站得十分整齐,像一道亮丽的风景线,又像一道白色的石墙,似乎有万夫不挡之勇。
Down she came and found a boat Beneath a willow left afloat, And around about the prow she wrote The Lady of Shalott. 打倒她来了,找到了船柳树下左漂浮,关于船头靠近她说作者:夏洛特夫人。
Some tourist stood on the prow, but few of them noticed the precious ducks among the vessels and boats. 只是很少有人注意到大船与小船之间的鸳鸯。
According to the construction prosperities of the DZL series of boiler, through installing the submerged arc welding prow onto the special technological equipment, can realize automatic welding on the final inner loop. 根据DZL系列锅炉筒体结构的特点,将埋弧焊机头安装在特定的工艺装备上,使总装内环缝实现了自动焊。