The good girls are considered prudes and berated for not 'putting out' and therefore are seldom the first to get dates. 好女人通常被认为过于一本正经,且因“放不开”而饱受批评,因此她们不会是男人约会的首选对象。
You know America was founded by prudes. 你知道美国的女人都是故作正经的。
Leanne Peters from the ACT Nudist Club in the capital Canberra said Australia would look like a "haven for prudes" in the unlikely event that laws passed parliament. 来自堪培拉“首都裸体俱乐部”的琳尼•彼得斯表示,这样一来澳大利亚会变成“过分正经女人的避难所”,而该提案不太可能在议会获得通过。