I have always been glad that the Psalmist said to God that some things were hard. 我很高兴的是诗篇作者对上帝说有些事是艰难的。
The Psalmist said," I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."( Ps.27:13) 写诗篇的人说:「我若不信在活人之地得见耶和华的恩惠,就早已丧胆了」(诗篇廿七篇13节)。
In the middle of a painful experience, the psalmist wrote," Write down for the coming generation what the LORD has done, so that people not yet born will praise him. " 在痛苦的经历中,诗人在诗篇中写道:“这些事要记下来,传给后代,好使将来出生的人民可以赞美耶和华。”
This new song, which marks a new beginning, therefore signals a new depth in the psalmist's relationship with God. 因此这首新歌,标志着新的开始,也暗示着诗人与上帝的关系有了一个新的深度。
Our psalmist is certainly no stranger to afflictions and trials. 我们这位的诗人肯定对痛苦和试炼不感到陌生。
Thus, the faith of the psalmist is established in and nurtured by Israel's faith in God. 因此,诗人的信心是建立在以色列民族对上帝的信仰,他的信心也在这信仰中培育出来。
It is often repeated by the Psalmist-'Wait on the Lord and he will strengthen your heart '. Good advice for Ruth and good advice for us. 正如诗人经常在诗篇呼吁人要「等候主,祂必坚固你的心」。
But this new song is not simply a song of celebration of the liberation, deliverance and restoration that the psalmist had experienced. 不过这新歌并不只表达诗人的经历,不是单纯一首庆祝释放、拯救和恢复的诗歌。
In the futility of his present circumstances, the psalmist cries to God. 诗人在他现状的无助中呼叫上帝。
David is called the psalmist because he is believed to be the author of the book of psalms. 大卫被称为赞美诗作者,因为他被确信是圣歌书作者。
The external requirements of religion, which the psalmist has presumably observed since his youth now attain a new significance, a new theological and spiritual depth and density. 诗人应该自幼就遵从宗教的外在要求。现在这些要求有了新的意义,在神学上和属灵上有了新的深度与强度。
The psalmist longs to meet with God in worship, relieving the thirst of his soul in God's presence. 诗人渴望在敬拜中与神相会,有神同在便能满足他心灵的渴求。
As the psalmist waited patiently for God, the Lord rescued him with his mighty arm. 诗人耐心等候上帝,耶和华就用祂大能的膀臂搭救他。
What God is saying to the psalmist, Augustine says he was saying to me, personally, Augustine, and then Augustine answers back with the words of the Psalm. 上帝对《诗篇》作者说的话,奥古斯汀认为,他是对我奥古斯汀说的,然后奥古斯汀引用《诗篇》里的话回答上帝。
There may be occasions in this new year when we will like the psalmist find ourselves in the pit of affliction, difficulties, sorrow, and disappointments. 在这新的一年里,我们可能会遇到像诗人那样的处境,困在不幸、困难、悲哀和死亡的深坑中。
The psalmist rediscovers a sense of purpose for his life& there are new generations coming that need to hear encouragement and testimony from the older generation. 诗人重新发现人生的意义&下一代人需要听取上一代人的鼓励和见证。
I think we can say that the hope of the psalmist is in a profound sense a protest. 在一个深切的意义上,我想我们可以说诗人的盼望是一种抗议。
Did you think it was strange that right in the middle of these verses, the Psalmist suddenly asks God to kill off all those that are not on his side? 对于诗人突然离开正题,呼求神杀戳恶人,你有没有感到很奇怪?
The psalmist teaches us instead to trust. 反而,诗人教导我们要信靠。