The research of rehabilitation nursing of pseudobulbar palsy patients with dysphagia 假性球麻痹患者吞咽功能障碍的康复护理研究
A Study into Regularities in Selecting Acupuncture Points for Dysphagia Caused by Pseudobulbar Palsy 针灸治疗假性球麻痹所致的吞咽困难选穴规律研究
Observations on the Efficacy of Acupuncture plus Pricking on the Posterior Pharyngeal Flap in Treating Postapoplectic Pseudobulbar Palsy 针刺加咽后壁点刺治疗中风后假性球麻痹疗效观察
Observation of Curative Effect on Abdominal Acupuncture for Pseudobulbar Palsy Patients after Cerebral Infarction 腹针治疗脑梗塞致假性球麻痹的疗效观察
Rehabilitated nursing care in the treatment of 24 patients with dysphagia caused by pseudobulbar palsy after stroke 脑卒中后假性球麻痹致吞咽障碍24例康复护理【医】小儿麻痹,脊髓灰质炎
Conclusion Acupuncture therapy can effectively increase the therapeutic effect of western medicine on dysphagia due to pseudobulbar palsy. 结论:针刺疗法能有效提高西医治疗假性球麻痹吞咽困难的疗效。
Objective To observe the effect of acupuncturing Lianquan point combined with rehabilitation on severe pseudobulbar palsy. 目的评价高压氧和康复训练联合风池穴针刺治疗脑卒中后假性球麻痹的临床效果。
Pathogen detection and drug sensitivity analysis on pseudobulbar palsy patients after acute stroke associated with pulmonary infection 急性脑卒中后假性延髓性麻痹并发肺部感染的病原菌检测及药敏分析
Study of nape needle acupuncture therapy on pseudobulbar palsy 环颈七针治疗假性延髓麻痹的临床研究
Definition, etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentiation, treatment and modern medicine understandings of Pseudobulbar Palsy. 假性延髓麻痹定义、病因病机、辨证治疗及现代医学对该证的认识。
Clinical Research on the Combination Therapy of Nape 、 Scalp 、 Tongue Acupuncture in Pseudobulbar Paralysis after Ischemic Stroke 项针、头针、舌针联合治疗缺血性脑卒中后假性延髓麻痹的临床研究
Observations on the Therapeutic Effect of Nape Acupuncture as a Main Treatment for Pseudobulbar Palsy 颈项针为主治疗假性球麻痹疗效观察
ObjectiveTo observe clinical therapeutic effect of scalp acupuncture combined with traditional body acupuncture on pseudobulbar palsy induced by ischemic or hemorrhagic apoplexy. 目的观察头针配合体针治疗中风假性球麻痹的疗效。
The results indicated: 1. Nape needle can obviously ameliorate swallowing and Language function handicap of the patients with pseudobulbar palsy and improve swallowing and Language function grade. Its clinical effect was better than the controlled group, while the recovery of swallowing function exceed Language function. 结果显示:1.项针可明显改善假性延髓麻痹病人的吞咽和言语障碍,提高吞咽和言语功能分级,针刺组疗效优于对照组,且吞咽功能的恢复优于言语功能;
Objectives To observe the effect of treating the cerebral infarction with pseudobulbar paralysis patients by acupuncture rehabilitation. 目的观察运用针灸康复方法治疗脑梗塞合并假麻痹致吞咽困难患者的疗效。
The Influence of Point Fengfu on Acupuncture Treatment of Pseudobulbar Paralysis 风府穴对针刺治疗假性球麻痹效果的影响
Methods Sixty cases of cerebral stroke associated with pseudobulbar paralysis were randomly divided into two groups averagely. 方法60例脑卒中合并假性球麻痹患者被随机均匀分成两组。
Effect of Acupuncture on Plasma Endothelin and NO Levels in Apoplectic Pseudobulbar Paralysis Patients 针刺对中风性假性球麻痹患者血浆内皮素及一氧化氮的影响
Methods Sixty patients with severe pseudobulbar palsy were divided into the control group and therapy group with 30 cases in each group. 方法60例假性球麻痹患者分为对照组和治疗组各30例。
Conclusion The needling method for dispelling wind and expelling phlegm has obvious therapeutic effect on pseudobulbar palsy of wind-phlegm type. 结论:祛风化痰针刺法对风痰型假性球麻痹有明显的治疗作用,能减轻乃至消除患者的相关症状和体征,有较大的临床推广应用价值。
RESULTS Thirty-two pseudobulbar palsy patients and 34 healthy people were all involved in the result analysis. 结果:假性延髓麻痹患者32例,健康者34人均进入结果分析。
A comparative study of PSS and troxerutin in the treatment of Pseudobulbar Paralysis 藻酸双酯钠和曲克芦丁治疗假性延髓麻痹的比较
Conclusion Acupuncture has some predominances in treatment of apoplectic pseudobulbar palsy. 结论:针刺治疗中风假性延髓性麻痹具有一定的优势,值得临床推广和应用。
Advance of studies on acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of pseudobulbar paralysis 针灸治疗假性延髓麻痹的研究进展
Objective: To explore the underlying mechanism of acupuncture in the treatment of apoplectic pseudobulbar paralysis. 目的:探讨针刺治疗中风性假性球麻痹的可能机理。
Concluded that acupuncture and rehabilitation Treatment pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke, the standardization of the scheme Including ten aspects. 得出针刺及康复治疗脑卒中后假性球麻痹的规范化方案,包括十个方面。
Pseudobulbar palsy is combined symptom of cerebral apoplexy, thereinto dysphagia correlate with high death and disability rate, while it can independently effect death rate. 假性球麻痹是脑卒中常见的合并症,其中吞咽困难与致残率和死亡率的增高均有关,并可独立影响死亡率。
The standardized treatment can promote pseudobulbar paralysis after stroke patients swallowing function recovery with traditional treatments, but between effect quite. 2. 结论:1、本规范化治疗方案可促进中风后假性球麻痹患者吞咽功能的恢复,但与传统治疗方案间效应相当。
Therefore, abdominal acupuncture is an important method to treat pseudobulbar palsy after cerebral infaction. As a new theory and therapy, abdominal acupuncture is of profound significance for pseudobulbar palsy treatment, and it is worth further studying and extending. 因此,腹针疗法是治疗脑梗塞致假性球麻痹的一种重要方法,它虽然属于新理论、新治疗手段,但对本病的治疗具有深远的指导意义,值得进一步研究和推广。