Influence of martensite morphology and crystal structure on the pseudoelasticity in a cu-al-zn-mn-ni alloy Cu-Al-Zn-Mn-Ni合金马氏体形态和晶体结构对伪弹性的影响
Temperature influence on the pseudoelasticity and shape memory effect in Cu-Zn-Al Alloy 温度对Cu-Zn-Al合金的伪弹性和形状记忆效应的影响
The thermoelastic martensitic transformation, the pseudoelasticity phenomenon as- 简介热弹性马氏体相变,由应力诱发马氏体相变而出现材料的伪弹性现象,以及随同马氏体相变和逆相变所显示的形状记忆效应.阐明合金具有形状记忆的条件及示例。
Induction Pseudoelasticity and Strss-induced Phase Transformation in Cu-Al-Ni Shape Memory Alloys Cu-AI-Ni形状记忆合金的超弹性和应力诱发相变
Vibration control and earthquake transient dynamic analysis of a structural installation with a shape memory alloy pseudoelasticity damper 基于形状记忆合金超弹性阻尼器的结构振动控制和地震时程分析
Study on pseudoelasticity of Cu-Zn-Al polycrystalline shape memory alloy by Moire Interferometry 铜基多晶体形状记忆合金伪弹性的实验研究
Effect of Mn on the Pseudoelasticity In Cu-Zn-Al Alloys Mn对Cu-Zn-Al合金伪弹性的影响
Internal Variables and Thermodynamic Modeling of Pseudoelasticity 内变量和伪弹性的热力学模型
As an example, we selected an ideal SMAs with two completely self-accommodated martensite variants, the results of the calculations can be simulated well with the phenomena of shape memory effect and transformation pseudoelasticity. 并以理想两变体情况进行了数值计算,得到的结果完全模拟了形状记忆合金的形状记忆效应及相变伪弹性。
Uniaxial force induced structural phase transitions and pseudoelasticity inmetal nanowires. 金属纳米线的单轴应力致结构转变与伪弹性研究。
Finally, a experimental study on pseudoelasticity of Cu Zn Al polycrystalline shape memory alloy by moire interferometry is reported. 本文还首次将云纹干涉法应用于铜基多晶体形状记忆合金伪弹性的实验研究中,获得了各晶粒相变塑性的全场分布。
The two important characteristics of pseudoelasticity and shape memory effect of shape memory alloys ( SMAs) strongly depend on the orientation of single crystals. 形状记忆合金的伪弹性和形状记忆效应两个重要特性主要取决于单晶体的取向。