The survey results provide a gimmicky glimpse into cultural psyches in the G-2 nations. 这两项调查结果可以巧妙地让人管窥到美中两国的文化气质。
Linda is the owner of one of the world's more intact psyches, with an incomprehension for depression and a self-esteem that has never even considered being anything but high. 她是世界上心灵较健康的人之一,无法理解抑郁是什么,还拥有高得不能再高的自尊。
A great difficulty for parents is allowing their children to be wrong or do something poorly in the mistaken belief that these experiences will hurt their sense of competence and scar their little psyches. 对父母来说,一个很大的困难就是允许孩子犯错,允许做一些不好的事情并且错误地认为这些经历将会损伤他们的能力,给他们的小心灵留下创伤。
I don't know what is missing in their psyches that they need to feel they have the power to kill. 我不知道,在他们那感到有权杀人的心灵深处,缺少了什么。
You want to fly to Haiti for a quickie divorce just for our psyches? 你想去海地快速离婚是为了我们的精神健康?
In other words, Western parents are concerned about their children's psyches. 换句话说,西方家长关心的是孩子的心理。
So they seize upon the particulars of the case, probing the killers 'backgrounds and psyches: this one was bullied, that one used drugs, and so on. 因此他们抓住案件细节,探查杀人犯的背景资料与精神状况:这个人曾受到欺凌,那个人是吸毒者,还有其他各种情况。
Nationalism and xenophobia are both huge components of the oriental psyches, people outside of China would view Yao as just another foreigner, and thus unworthy of paying attention to. 民族主义和排外在东方国家都很普遍,对于除了中国的其他亚洲国家的人来说姚明只是一个外国人,因此也不值得关注。
People in the past who have not strengthened their nervous system or prepared their bodies and psyches to hold these vibrations have had problems. 过去人们因为没有加强他们的神经细胞和准备好他们的身体和心智来承受这些振动就会有问题。
He's the dark creature inhabiting repressed, frustrated Japanese psyches, who instead of bowing and kowtowing, is allowed to mutilate his way through twisted, dysfunctional, millennial Japan. 有别于弓腰叩首的传统形象,他在压抑、受挫的日式精神中栖身,在扭曲失调的千年日本里横冲直撞。
If writer had to wait until their precious psyches were completely serene, there wouldn't be much writing done. 如果作家不得不等到他们心灵完全沉静下来才写作,那么他们就写不出多少东西来。
There's no evidence that subdivision housing will catch up with their newly liberated psyches. 但没有迹象表明小的地块公寓的设计会赶上年轻人自由精神的发展。
The long hardship of roughly two-and-a-half years in space with only a few people in a potentially lethal environment will undoubtedly challenge the psyches of Mars explorers. 少数几个人在有致命风险的太空环境下呆大约2年半时间是一项长期的艰苦的任务,对前往火星的宇航员来说,确实是个不小的心理挑战。
Our psyches naturally seek a release from the internal pressure caused by the repression of the disowned aspects of ourselves. 我们的心灵会自然去从寻求释放压抑自我的某些方面中产生的内部压力。
I am a poor imitation of the voices of your own psyches to which you do not listen. 我是在拙劣地模仿你们并不在聆听的自己心灵的声音。
For the purpose of a complete and in-depth understanding to these female images, related theories and resources are applied to serve for the analysis to their personalities and psyches. 为了对这些女性形象有更深入和更清楚的了解,本论文应用了相关理论对她们的个性思想进行分析。