Psychically renewed, we could then return aboveground and put up with another couple of days of victimization. 我们可以重新开始,它返回地面和宽容几天的牺牲。
Actual scenes, ongoing events from other worlds and other timeframes can be visibly seen at certain times, and psychically perceived quite easily here. 真实的感知到,其他世界和其他时间表上正在发生的事可以在某些时候被清楚的真实地看到,而且在这里可以非常的容易在心灵上感知这些事。
Shouldn't you psychically know when you're annoying someone? 难道你不知道你什么时候讨人厌吗?
Psychically induced erections are mediated by the parasympathetic hypogastric nerves. 心因性的勃起由副交感神经纤维介导。