We ask candidates to complete a psychometric questionnaire 我们让候选人填写一份心理测试问卷。
Psychometric tests can save organizations from grim and costly mistakes 心理测试能够使组织机构避免犯下损失惨重的大错。
Psychometric testing is simply a way of measuring people's individual talents and capabilities. 心理测试只是一种测量个体才智和能力的方式。
These tests, which have ample peer-reviewed, psychometric evidence to support their reliability and validity, better explain variance in behavior than do categorical assessments like the Myers-Briggs, and therefore can better explain why conflicts may have unfolded the way they have. 这些测试具有经过同行评议,心理测量的丰富的证据来支持他们的有效性和可靠性,更好地解释了行为差异,因此能更好地解释为什么冲突以他自有的方式展开。
If employers really want to know what prospective employees are like, they should forget psychometric testing and watch them ride a bike. 如果雇主真的想了解潜在的雇员是个什么样的人,他们就应该忘记心理测量测试,改为观察应聘者怎样骑车。
I have never used polygraph testing, but several employers I know swear by psychometric testing and behavioural profiling& not just for new workers, but for existing team members, especially those seeking new responsibilities. 我从未使用过测谎仪测试,但我认识的几位雇主非常信赖心理测试和行为分析,他们不仅将这些方法用于新员工,也对现有的团队成员使用,尤其是那些希望改变职位的人。
We had to start managing our own research to build our own test questions so we added a psychometric group, explains Wilson. 我们必须开始管理我们自己的研究工作,以构建我们自己的测试题,所以我们又增添了一个心理测验小组,威尔逊解释说。
The shift of perspective of social intelligence research& from the psychometric view to the social intelligence view of personality 社会智力研究视角和方法的转变&从社会智力的测量观到人格的社会智力观
A key way in which companies could retain and squeeze more productivity out of their newly hired executives would be simply to use the information gathered during the selection process, such as psychometric evaluations. 公司留住新聘用的经理人并尽可能提高他们工作效率的一个主要办法是,用好招聘过程中收集到的信息,例如心理测评结果。
Companies use a range of services to determine the honesty of candidates, from psychometric tests, programmed to highlight dishonest statements, to the cross-referencing of statements in a curriculum vitae. 公司会利用一系列服务来判定应聘者的诚实度,包括心理测试(它能突显不诚实的陈述)和交叉核对履历内容等。
You play a uncommon role, a person who possessed psychometric powers*? 你饰演的是个不平凡的角色。一个拥有特意功能的人。
Thus, in any particular judgement of the value of a psychological test, psychometric considerations must be considered; 因此,在对任何一个测验的价值进行判断时,必须考虑其心理测量学信息;
Objective: To develop a scale assessing coping style in people with spinal cord injuries, and to evaluate the psychometric properties. 目的:编制脊髓损伤压力应对量表,并评估其心理学特性。
A psychometric test of intelligence. 有关智力的心理测试。
A Study of Psychometric Properties, Normative Scores and Factor Structure of Beck Anxiety Inventory Chinese Version 贝克焦虑量表的心理测量学特性、常模分数及因子结构的研究
If I were choosing someone for a managerial position I would chuck out all the psychometric tests and references that reveal so little and go for the "nanny test" instead. 如果我要选择一位经理人的话,我会摒弃那些价值有限的心理测试和推荐信,转而选择“保姆测试”。
Psychometric Analysis of Preschool Anxiety Scale in Chinese Culture 学前儿童焦虑量表中文版的测量学分析
The Ashridge module gives senior Tesco executives just below board level the chance to discuss and experience a range of leadership models before applying them in a life-like simulation. The module is underpinned by psychometric analysis and personal development planning. 该模块给特易购接近董事级别的高管提供了讨论和体验诸多领导模式、然后再运用于模拟场景的机会,并由心理测量分析和个人发展规划提供支持。
Blue chip companies are using psychometric personality tests to select graduate employees because they no longer trust university degrees, a report says today. 今天的一份报告显示,蓝筹公司正在使用心理测试来选拔大学生,因为他们不再相信大学文凭了。
Curiously, when hiring high-level staff companies, will undertake extensive referencing and even psychometric testing to ensure the candidate's suitability for a post. 令人感到奇怪的是:在招聘高层员工时,企业会广为征询意见,甚至进行心理测试,以确保候选人适合相关职位。
One method, he says, is to identify, say, 20 examples of excellence in a business 'senior staff and map their key emotional, intellectual and psychometric traits-then to look downwards in the organisation for people with similar traits that could be developed. 他表示,其中一个方式是在企业高管中找出20个优秀范例,描绘出他们在情感、智力和心理等方面的关键特质,然后到基层中去寻找具有类似特质、可以培养的人。
Finally, focusing on the shortcomings about the measurements of social capital, this article optimizes the measurement of social capital from psychometric angle. 最后,文章针对社会资本测量方法中存在的缺陷,从心理测量学角度提出优化的测量方案。
Some system technical data were measured in the Psychometric Rooms, including refrigerating capacity, airflow volume and energy consumption. 在焓差室中,可以准确地测定系统的制冷量、风量和耗功等技术数据。
Conclusion: Reliability and validity of the spinal cord injury coping scale are both satisfactory enough to meet psychometric indexes. 结论:初步编制的脊髓损伤压力应对量表基本符合心理测评的要求。
The13-item CRIES have satisfactory psychometric properties as a screening instrument for stress response after traumatic incident. CRIES-13是良好的评估儿童青少年经历创伤性事件后应激反应程度的筛查工具。
So anyone trying a psychometric test for the first time could be placing themselves at a disadvantage. 因此,任何首次尝试心理测试的人,都可能使自己处于一种劣势。
So the results suggest that CCEI has met psychometric requirements and can be applied to high school student's sample. 因此,该量表具有较好的信效度,可应用于中学生群体。
The psychometric instruments employed to sensation seeking addicts are also discussed. 文章与评述了感觉寻求相关研究所采用的测量工具。
A fan of psychometric testing in general, Hoeflin also showed me the results of a personality test he once took. 作为心理测量测试的总体拥戴者,霍夫林还给我看了他曾经接受的人格测试结果。