But one summer, somewhere between the top of Ptarmigan Mountain and the bottom, Babay lost his shoe. 但是有一年夏天,在雷鸟山顶和山底下的某的地方,小宝宝的一只鞋掉了。
A black fox came toward him, carrying a ptarmigan in his mouth. 一只黑狐狸朝他走了过来,嘴里叼着一只松鸡。
He made a clutch as startled as was the rise of the ptarmigan, and there remained in his hand three tail-feathers. 他像那只松鸡起飞一样惊慌,抓了一把,只捞到了三根尾巴上的羽毛。
But he could not stop, for the mother ptarmigan was running on. 不过他不能停下,因为母松鸡正在向前跑。
And stumbling once, he fell squarely into a ptarmigan nest. 有一次,他给绊了一跤,正好摔到一个松鸡窝里。
And he ate them ravenously, thrusting them alive into his mouth and crunching them like egg-shells between his teeth. The mother ptarmigan beat about him with great outcry. 他狼吞虎咽,把它们活活塞到嘴里,像嚼蛋壳似地吃起来,母松鸡大吵大叫地在他周围扑来扑去。
The mother ptarmigan beat about him with great outcry. 母鸡大吵大叫地朝他扑打过来。
The common ptarmigan ( Lagopus lagopus) of Arctic regions, having brownish plumage that turns white in winter. 极地地区一种普通的雷鸟(雷鸟),羽毛呈浅褐色,冬季变为白色。
He exhausted the mother ptarmigan; 他把母松鸡追得筋疲力尽;
It was a fearful cry, but the fox, leaping away in fright, did not drop the ptarmigan. 这是一种可怕的喊声,那只狐狸吓跑了,可是没有丢下松鸡。