There were battalions of highly paid publicists to see that such news didn't make the press. 有一大批拿高薪的公关人员可以确保这样的新闻不会见诸报端。
To solve the problem Khan worked with a team of three publicists, to put each of the 872 guests at his runway show this season in the right seat. 为解决这一难题,纳伊找来了一支由3名公关人员组成的团队,他们为本季秀场上872位嘉宾顺利安排了座位。
Now, all these people risk getting an earful from gay rights organizations and their publicists. 现在,这些人都面临遭到同性恋权力组织和他们的宣传人员斥责的可能性。
The restaurant was virtually empty save for a flock of publicists. 除了一群宣传人员,餐厅基本上是空的。
During Hollywood awards season, savvy publicists tucked them into VIP swag bags. 在好莱坞的颁奖季,精明的公关人员则把它们塞进VIP礼包中。
In a society of unrelenting competition-where reality-show contestants duke it out for the approval of aging celebrities and pastors have publicists-is it any wonder we market ourselves relentlessly? 在这个竞争异常激烈的社会,真人秀选手们为赢得老一代明星的认可而斗智斗勇,牧师都有自己的公关。在这样一个社会,我们不择手段地营销自己难道还奇怪吗?
They were primarily movie stars, and their publicists totally controlled the news about them. 他们主要是电影明星,他们的宣传人员完全控制关于他们的消息。
If Roberts publicists doesn't like the questions of the reporters or the answers that he has given they just delete the tape with the interview on it. 如果Rob的公关人员不喜欢记者的问题或是他的回答,那么他们就会要求把带子删除。
Different media has different agenda and preference in covering the news, so we publicists need to be familiar with these nuances that might favor us. 不同的媒体有着不同的议题和倾向,因此公关人员应该对这些有可能倾向我们的细微的区别十分熟悉。
How plausible are the numerous "rags-to-riches" stories put about by the tycoons and their fawning publicists? 富豪和奉承他们的宣传家散布的无数“白手起家”的故事有多大的可信度?
Number of lame tweets we'll get from various stars ( or their publicists) on Oscar day: 437. 明星们(或者他们的公关人员)将会在推特上发布的站不住脚的借口或者解释:437条。
This is the spirit for all publicists to handle crisis. 这也是所有公关人员应对危机时应具备的精神。
There is plenty of buzz around her performance, amplified by her publicists who are trying to get Oscar voters to take note. 为了使她得到奥斯卡评委的支持,评论员对于她的表现有很多细细的讨论。
Dell's publicists speak glowingly of company perks, which provide employees discounts on everything from refurbished computers to movie tickets. 戴尔的公关人员会向你热情洋溢地谈论公司的各种额外津贴。员工可以获得各种折扣,从修理过的电脑到电影票。
As early Han-known thinkers, publicists and writers, their Jia Yi Wen, Fu creative reflexes left for future generations the immortal works. 作为汉初著名的思想家、政论家和文学家,贾谊以其文、赋创作见长,为后人留下了不朽的作品。
Publicists and reporters are chosen and educated to get ready for propaganda and mobilization. 还选拔了很多宣传员和报告员,并对他们进行教育,为宣传动员做好准备。