Disciple Jui Khin wants to include the holy image of Medicine Guru Buddha that we used in fire pujas in his forthcoming book, Dharma Nectar of Medicine Guru Buddha, so I scan it for the purpose. 弟子惟钦希望将我们在火供时所使用的那张药师佛圣像列入他即将出版的《药师佛法露》一书中,所以我将之扫瞄以供使用。
Because we don't have order, we try to escape, go to temples, do pujas, and all the nonsense that goes on. 因为我们没有秩序,我们试图逃避,去寺庙,做礼拜,以及去进行所有那些毫无意义的事情。
I realized that sometimes when Rinpoche used the hand phone during pujas, he was actually answering to urgent calls like mine. 我了解到有时候当仁波切在法会中用电话,他事实上正在解决著某些像我一样的紧急事件。
Unable to accept the pending loss of TM, I persistently requested Rinpoche to conduct pujas for TM. 无法去接受将要失去TM的事实,我仍然坚持请求仁波切为TM举办法会。
I also felt ashamed of my own expectations that Rinpoche should be very strict during pujas and that I always wondered why Rinpoche would be answering phone calls. 我亦对于我之前对仁波切的期待,认为他在法会中应该非常严肃而感到羞愧,我一直在想为何仁波切得要回答电话。