Her first book, 'Unnatural Selection,' was a 2012 Pulitzer Prize finalist. 她的第一本书《非自然选择》(UnnaturalSelection)是2012年普利策奖(PulitzerPrize)入围作品。
The Post's Watergate coverage won the 1973 Pulitzer Prize for public service. 邮报对水门事件的报道赢得了1973年的普利策公共服务奖。
The winner of last year's Pulitzer prize. 去年普利策奖金的获得者。
1940-John Steinbeck is awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Grapes of Wrath. 1940年的今天,约翰·史坦贝克因其著名小说《愤怒的葡萄》而荣获普利策大奖。
The column won its share of medals, including a Pulitzer Prize for journalism in1979. 我的专栏获得了各种奖励,包括1979年的普利策新闻奖。
I suspect the extract is from the New York World when it was a sensational paper owned by Pulitzer. 我猜想这条剪报取自《纽约世界报》,曾是一家轰动的报纸,由普利策拥有。
The Pulitzer for poetry went to Paul Muldoon for his ninth collection. 保罗?马尔登凭借他第9部诗集获得了普利策诗歌奖。
Broadway musical chronicling a woman's struggle with mental illness has won the Pulitzer Prize for drama. 一部描述某妇女与精神疾病作斗争的百老汇音乐剧《近乎正常》获得普利策戏剧奖。
Clifford Levy of the New York Times earned the Pulitzer for his investigative reporting. 《纽约时报》的克利福德?利维获得了普利策调查报道奖。
The Wall Street Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting. 《华尔街日报》获得了普利策深度报道奖。
This is the first year that the internet news websites are allowed to take part in the Pulitzer Prize. 而今年的普利策新闻奖也是首次允许互联网新闻网站参与角逐。
It won a Pulitzer Prize and is often required reading in high school. 它获得了一项普利策奖,并且经常被列入高中的必读书目。
His honors include the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize, the William Carlos Williams Award, etc. 他曾获得美国国家图书奖、普利策奖、威廉斯奖等。
They were established by the will of Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the New York World. 普利策奖是根据《纽约世界》杂志的发行人约瑟夫·普利策的遗嘱而创立的。
Aco, Pulitzer prize-winner. it's been a hundred years, you donkey. 安佐,普利策奖啊,驴!一百年没见你了。
Stephen Hunter of the Washington Post won the Pulitzer for criticism. 《华盛顿邮报》的斯蒂芬?亨特获得了普利策批评奖。
Oh, viv-vivian, we can win a pulitzer. 哦,维-维维安,我们可以赢得普利策奖。
The Grapes of Wrath, novel by Steinbeck, was published in1939 and awarded a Pulitzer Prize. 《愤怒的葡萄》,是斯坦贝克所写的小说,发表于1939年,曾获普利策奖。
Columbia University in New York City has awarded Pulitzer Prizes since 1917. 从1917年起,位于纽约市的哥伦比亚大学就开始颁发普利策奖了。
Pulitzer prizes, awarded annually for outstanding achievements in journalism, literature, and music. 普利策奖一年一度颁发给在新闻、文学和音乐领域有突出业绩的人士。
A husband and wife who report together from Mexico City won the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting. 一对从墨西哥城共同发回报道的夫妇获得了普利策国际报道奖。
The Pulitzer board awarded 13 journalism prizes and seven prizes in the arts. 普利策委员会授予了13项新闻工作奖和7项艺术方面的奖项。
You get nominated for a Pulitzer he ends up working for the tabloids. 你得到了普利策奖金提名,而他去给娱乐周刊工作。
For the1948-1949 theatrical season Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman was granted the coveted Pulitzer Prize. 阿瑟·密勒的《推销员之死》获得了众人垂涎已久的1948-1948年度的普利策奖。
Nilo Cruz won the Pulitzer for drama for his play Anna in the Tropics. 尼罗?克鲁兹凭借《热带的安娜》获得了普利策戏剧奖。
I can only guess how she'd have responded to news of the Pulitzer. 我只能够猜测母亲在知道我获得普利策奖时的反应。
In 1998, her memoir," Personal History," was a No.1 best seller and won the Pulitzer Prize. 1998年,她的回忆录《个人历史》创下最畅销书榜上名列第一的佳绩,并获得普利策奖。
Egan's Proustian meditation on time, fame and music won the National Book Critics Circle and Pulitzer awards. 伊根对时间、声誉和音乐进行的普鲁斯特式思考成就了此书,并因此荣获美国国家书评人奖和普利策奖。