I devote my passion, while you show your pullulation. 我投入我的激情,见证你们的成长。
Once again I sensed the pullulation of which I have already spoken. 我又感到刚才说过的躁动。
It was not the pullulation of two divergent, parallel, and finally converging armies, but an agitation more inaccessible, more intimate, prefigured by them in some way. 不是那些分道扬镳的、并行不悖的、最终汇合的军队的躁动,而是一种更难掌握、更隐秘的、已由那些军队预先展示的激动。
In addition, theoretically analyzing, scientific technologies, economic expansion level, the supply and demand in financial market, historical factors, city factors and the public policies of local government all have had crucial effects on the pullulation of the international financial centers in existence. 另外从理论上分析,科学技术水平、经济发展水平、金融业供求因素、历史因素、城市因素以及地方政府公共政策因素都对现有国际金融中心成长产生了决定性的作用。
Thoughts on healthy pullulation of young cadres 青年干部健康顺利成长的对策思考
The third, conduction mechanism of economic pullulation is different; 三是经济成长的传导机制不同;
Pullulation mechanism of non-state-run high-tech company in the visual angle of dissipative structure theory 耗散结构理论视角下的民营高科技企业成长机制
The paper begins with the study of the excellent SMEs, which have the ability of fine and stable pullulation, and mix with the background of the multiplex pullulating mode, evaluate the evaluation of the SMEs 'pullulation in the multiplex pullulating mode. 本文从研究具有健康稳定成长可能的优质中小企业出发,结合其多角化成长模式的研究背景,综合评价该成长模式下中小企业的成长性。
Based on expatiating upon the theories of city spatial growth and transport corridor, this paper concludes the interactional mechanism between transport corridor and city spatial pullulation through summarizing foreign experience. 本文在阐述城市空间生长理论和交通走廊理论的基础上,通过总结国外经验归纳出交通走廊与城市空问成长的互动机理。
Urban cluster evolvement reflects self-organizing function of complex systems and provides historical and intending visual angle to observe urban cluster, which can realize the mechanisms and rules of its appearance, pullulation and grandness, maturation and decline. 城市集群演变体现了复杂系统自组织的机理和功能,它为观察城市集群发展提供了历史与未来的视角,可以更深刻认识城市集群的出现、成长壮大、成熟以及衰退的机制和规律。
The second, initial impetus of economic pullulation is different; 二是经济成长的初始推动力不同;
We proposed an evolution network model considering pullulation and aging mechanism. 提出了一个包含成长和老化机制的演化网络模型。
With this special effect, the most obvious characteristic of knowledge worker is that they emphasis on the pullulation and development. 而知识工作者作为一个特定群体,非常明显的一个特征就是注重自身的成长和发展。
Enterprise's Pullulation and Variance under the Angle of Evolvement Economy 演化经济视角下的企业成长变迁
This paper use method of text coding basing on the pullulation autobiography of some excellent teachers of Chinese language, so as to can open out how important the choiceness character of the teachers in aspect of affection is on the way of the teacher professional development independent. 本研究采用对优秀语文教师所写的成长自传进行文本编码的方法,揭示优秀语文教师情意方面的优良品质在教师专业自主发展的道路上的重要作用。
At last analyzing basic, realization condition and instruct function to enterprise management of lever pullulation theory. 最后结合实际的分析杠杆成长理论的存在基础,实现条件及其对未来多经企业经营活动的指导作用。
The pullulation of Chinese SMEs is playing a important role in the development of Chinese economics. 我国中小企业的成长对中国经济的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。
It analyzes the fast development trend of animation industry and points out that it needs to promote the value of animation brand and realize premium effect of brand and analyzes the realistic meaning of dynamic pullulation of animation brand. 首先分析了动漫产业快速发展的趋势,指出动漫品牌亟待价值提升和实现品牌的溢价效应,分析了动漫品牌动态成长的现实意义。
In traditional Chinese philosophy, the development of "substance and function" is always relative to the pullulation of Yi ontology or the ideas like that. 在中国哲学的历程中,体用思想的发展总是与易学本体论或者说是类似易学本体论思想的演进密切相关。
The import amd introduction of foreign prose into China accelerated the pullulation of Chinese modern prose effectively, enriched its literary expressional techniques, enhanced Chinese prose writers 'ability of representing life and expressing thought. 外国散文的输入引进,有力地促进了我国现代散文的成长,丰富了现代散文的艺术表现手法,提高了散文作家表现人生、表达思想的能力。
As one unimportant novel type in the new period literature, initiation stories make beneficial exploration in the aspect of discussing the individual 'pullulation for Contemporary Literature. The thesis focuses on initiation stories in the past 20 years. 成长小说作为新时期文学中一个不太显眼的小说类型,在思考个体成长这个层面为当代文学做出了有益的探索,论文便是选取20多年来的成长小说作为研究对象。