Once we had a few levels under our belt, our tauren shaman was able to mercilessly pummel enemies into submission in solo adventures. 我们的牛头人萨满升了几级后,就开始在独自冒险中痛扁敌人了。
I am dying for a chance to pummel that guy. 我很想要有一个机会打那家伙。
Pummel now only has one rank and no longer causes damage. 技能拳击只有一个等级并且不造成伤害。
In front of her, late the gram of the an step the thunder Be some to dispiritedly look one eye that deal a combat a pummel, quite don't give up. 在她面前,迟了一步的克雷顿有些懊丧地看了一眼那柄战锤,颇为不舍。
A few ideas I liked particularly are a Disarm effect on a1 minute cooldown, or a Pummel on a short cooldown. 一些我自己喜欢的想法特别是缴械效果,并且1分钟CD或者是短CD的拳击效果。
For instance, concussion creates an invisible bulge in the fabric of reality, and the psion uses that bulge to pummel the desired target. 例如,冲击波在客观世界中创造无形的膨胀,心灵术士用这种膨胀来打击目标。
Negative thoughts like these pummel your self-esteem and leave you feeling even worse 这些负面想法摧毁你的自尊,让你感觉更糟糕