The punchline is that you can use JSON to send a JavaScript object graph over the network in an Ajax server's response. 妙处在于可以用JSON在Ajax服务器响应中通过网络发送JavaScript对象图。
Just like you twist it for a punchline? 就象你把它扭曲成一个笑话?
Novices often deliver the punchline and then nervously race on if the laughter doesn't immediately follow. 新手通常制造笑点,立即听到笑声,便会小心翼翼的话题。
If you see those sorts of casual references, bear in mind they might just be there to make a punchline. 如果看到这种非正式的参考信息,记住这些有可能只是为了抖个包袱而已。
The punchline is: we need a term for "I have good unit tests", distinct from when they got written. 要点就是:我们需要一个术语表示“我拥有良好的单元测试”,以区别于这句话过去所表达的含义。
They can fix some of the issues ( such as people resolution) and come up with a name. 他们可以修正一些问题(如peopleresolution),并拿出一个听起来不太搞笑(punchline)的名字。
The pause adds punch to the punchline! 停顿为笑点冲击!
The forehead, maxim robbed many scenes, mainly the punchline? In him. 额,马克西姆抢了很多戏呢,主要笑点都在他身上。