Clinical analysis of biopsy of punctate vessels of smooth cervix under photoelectric colposcopy 光电阴道镜下光滑宫颈点状血管活检的临床分析
The punctate hill was home to hundreds of rabbits. 那斑点状的山丘,曾是好几百只兔子的家。
The eye was irrigated with saline immediately, but the initial slit-lamp examination showed diffuse punctate epithelial keratopathy, prominent conjunctival injection and chemosis. 病人在急诊室立即接受大量生理食盐水冲洗,随后之眼部细隙灯检查发现左眼有明显之点状角膜上皮缺损及结膜充血水肿。
Prokaryotes lack organelles such as nucleoli, mitochondria, plastids, Golgi apparatus, and do not exhibit cyclosis. The atrophic glands hae scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional punctate nucleoli. 原核生物无细胞器,如核仁、线粒体、质体、高尔基体等,不出现胞质环流。萎缩腺体内细胞的胞浆含量少,核浓染,偶尔可见斑点状核仁。
The atrophic glands hae scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional punctate nucleoli. 萎缩腺体内细胞的胞浆含量少,核浓染,偶尔可见斑点状核仁。
And there's also a significant chance of toxicity in the form of conjunctivitis, punctate keratitis, partial occlusion, or contact dermatitis. 在结膜炎、点状角膜炎、部分性遮闭或接触性皮炎等类型中使用也会有很大机会出现毒性作用。
The punctate leaves were of a light green hue. 那些有小斑点的叶子是淡绿色泽的。
The variation of the above mentioned three testing indexes indicated that tear deficient dry eye after the extirpation of lacrimal gland caused punctate erosions and necrosis of the corneal epithelium. 以上3个检查指标的变化说明摘除泪腺后出现水液性泪液分泌缺乏,导致角膜上皮点状剥脱,干燥及坏死。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of recombinant human epidermal growth factor derivative ( rhEGF) eye drops for mild dry eye syndrome with punctate corneal lesion ( PCL), herpes simplex corneal ulcer ( HSCU) and mild or moderate corneal chemical burn ( CD). 目的:评价重组人表皮生长因子衍生物(rhEGF)滴眼剂对轻度干眼症伴点状角膜病变、单纯疱疹性地图状角膜溃疡及中轻度化学烧伤治疗的疗效和安全性。
Tear Secretion and Lysozyme Content in Patients with Punctate Epithelial Keratopathy keratopathy was in 2 eyes ( 3%). 点状上皮性角膜病的泪流量及溶菌酶观察角膜变性者2只眼(3%)。
Methods The clinical and genetic data from 1 case in a family were analyzed, and compared with 4 pedigrees of punctate PPK reported in the Chinese literature. 方法对收集的1例点状掌跖角化病家系进行系统的临床表型和遗传学特点的分析,并将结果与国内报道的其他4例点状掌跖角化病家系进行对比分析。
Objective To evaluate clinical effect and safety of recombinant human epithelial growth factor ( rhEGF) eye drops for corneal epithelial punctate defect ( CEPD). 目的评价易贝滴眼液治疗角膜上皮点状缺损的疗效和安全性。
CT scan showed punctate calcification in bilateral basal ganglia and lacunar infarction just beside them. CT扫描发现双侧基底节区存在细小点状钙化,腔隙性脑梗塞灶毗邻钙化点。
The density of tumors were slightly higher than the normal brain parenchyma on CT scans. Punctate or massive calcifications were present in all tumors. CT平扫肿瘤呈较大的表浅肿块,肿瘤密度高于正常脑实质,内可见小斑点状或团块状钙化。
19 of 32 superficial punctate keratitis were positive. An air attendant case of superficial punctate keratitis 浅层点状角膜炎32例中19例阳性,其他未定性角膜炎33例中14例阳性。空中乘务员双眼浅层点状角膜炎一例
22 cases of psoriasis vulgaris were treated with Vitamin K_4. The effective rate is 86.3%, the generalized psoriasis punctate et guttate gets the best result. 应用维生素K4治疗了22例寻常性银屑病,有效率为86.3%,其中泛发性点滴型银屑病的疗效最好。
The water-soluble, urea-soluble and intrinsic membrane proteins ( WSP, USP and MIP) from human clear, cortical punctate opaque and senile cataract lenses were studied by gel filtration and SDS-PAGE. 对老年透明晶状体和老年性白内障晶状体水溶性蛋白(WSP)、尿素溶蛋白(USP)和纤维细胞膜内在蛋白进行了分析。
The symptoms, visual acuity, schirmer test, punctate keratopathy of patients with KCS have been improved after therapy. 病人的症状和点状角膜病变减轻,视力增加,泪液分泌增多。
Thygeson's Superficial Punctate Keratitis ( Report of 4 Cases) Thygeson表层点状角膜炎(附四例报告)
Pathological changes of less inflammatory cells infiltration and no punctate hemorrhage in lung interstitium in 7-NI treatment group than those in model group were seen under light microscope. 光镜下7-NI治疗组较模型组损伤程度减轻,炎性细胞浸润减少,肺间质内未见点状出血。
Renal enlargement profile, congestion, variable beige or brown and some surface punctate hemorrhage and gray necrosis can be detected using pathology analysis. 病理剖检常见肾肿大、充血而呈红色,后变灰褐色或淡黄褐色,有的表面可见斑点状出血,间有灰白色坏死灶。
6h group of ascites increased, the color was red or dark red bloody ascites, flaky pancreatic necrosis, gastric omentum, mesentery at the small quantity of yellow-white punctate calcification. 6h组腹水量增加,呈红色或暗红色血性腹水,胰腺组织呈片状坏死灶,胃网膜、肠系膜处可见少量黄白色点状钙化灶。
The main manifestations for hepatotoxicity were swelling of the liver cells, punctate or small focal eosinophilic necrosis of liver cells, and inflammatory cell infiltration of neutrophils and lymphocytes. 肝毒性主要表现为肝细胞肿胀、点状或小灶状肝细胞嗜酸性坏死以及中性粒细胞与淋巴细胞等炎细胞浸润。
Under the fluorescence microscope, we found that punctate red fluorescence in cytoplasm was increase with the prolonged effect of salinomycin. 荧光显微镜下观察,随着盐霉素作用时间延长,细胞质内红色点状荧光增加。