He was punctilious about being ready and waiting in the entrance hall exactly on time 他一丝不苟地作好准备并准时地在门厅等候。
He was a punctilious young man. 他是个非常拘礼的年轻人。
International standardization management, the advanced technique and punctilious working manner are the integral part of company's business responsibility and Minghe's business foundation. 国际标准的管理,先进的技术,一丝不苟的工作态度,是我们为用户负责,为“明禾”品牌添色的基础;
You are the most punctilious person I ever met. 你是我遇到过的最谨小慎微的人。
However, Badigin is very precise and punctilious person. 巴季金是一个非常精确和一丝不苟的人。
Karina Challons, head of specialist tax at HSBC Private Bank, believes the growing hostility to evasion will have an impact on her clients, even though they are punctilious about complying with tax laws. 汇丰私人银行(hsbcprivatebank)专业税务负责人卡里娜夏龙(karinachallons)认为,随着各国对逃税行为敌意日隆,此举将对她的客户产生影响,即便他们一丝不苟地遵守税法。
She is very punctilious about hygiene. 她对于个人卫生非常讲究。
Punctilious in their observation of traffic signs, they will wait at traffic-light-controlled pedestrian crossings even if there are no pedestrians in sight. 在通过有红绿灯控制的人行横道时,即使没看见行人他们也会等。
Was worryingly meticulous about trivial details; punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette. 对琐碎的细节的恼人的关注;过于拘泥于礼仪规则的细节的。
She displayed a punctilious lack of curiosity about such things. 她出于谨慎,没有对这种事情表示好奇。
The mistake was spotted immediafely by their punctilious lawyer. 这个错误马上被他们一丝不苟的律师发现了。
Third, even if not all consumers are as punctilious in their purchases as they say they are, there are still small, often affluent, groups that care. 第三,尽管并非所有消费者在购物时都像他们自称的那样小心谨慎,但仍有少部分(通常是富足的)群体是在意此事的。
Caocao~ s being regarded as a treacherous character in Chinese traditional culture always refers to his~ Intimidating the Emperor into Commanding the Dukes~ and his not punctilious, unconventional and unrestrained characteristics in his personality. 曹操是中国传统文化概念中的一大奸臣,这往往指的是曹操的挟天子以令诸侯以及他个性中不拘小节、放荡不羁、敢说敢做的特点。