The prediction ranks among to top bloopers in the history of Tech punditry. 结果,这个预言不幸荣登科技史上最悲催预言排行榜。
Data analysis has since spread everywhere from financial trading to political punditry. 自此之后,数据分析推广至各个领域&从金融交易到政治解析。
Still, with fat sponsorship deals on offer and the prospect of punditry work with broadcasters at future Games and related events, Team GB stars are unlikely to go hungry in years to come. 不过,丰厚的赞助费用和与广播员一同在未来奥运会及相关赛事的权威解说工作使得英国的奖牌获得者们在未来数年里还不至于挨饿。
Unfortunately, the second law of punditry, which covers this problem, is often ignored. 不幸的是,投资之道的第二条定律同时也适用于这个问题往往被人们忽视。
He lacks the verbal gifts for coaching or punditry. 他缺乏执教或担任专家所需要的那种语言天赋。
Such is the first law of investment punditry during a boom or bust. 在市场繁荣或萧条时期,这是投资之道的第一要义。
Katie Couric will also host a special Webcast that night with reporters and punditry, for which viewers can submit questions. 当天晚上主持人KatieCouric还会在和记者及评论家一起进行网络直播,网上观众能进行提问。
The properties of our national liquidated damages are main to the compensatory, are subsidiary to the punditry. 我国的违约金性质是以补偿性为主,以惩罚性为辅。