Exxon Mobil generates double the earnings of PetroChina – although, since it does so on four times the revenues, the US giant's profit margins are punier. 埃克森美孚的利润是中石油的两倍&不过,由于埃克森美孚的营收是中石油的四倍,因此这家美国石油巨头的利润率要低得多。
The price of HK$ 6 per share was a lot punier than what the other bidders were willing to pay. 每股6港元的价格要比其他竞买者所愿意支付的要低得多。
Not only will late planting mean punier crops and lower yields: many in the area also fear it could complicate the corn plant's pollination pro-cess. 种植时间延后,不仅意味着作物抗病性减弱,产量降低:这个地区的许多人还担心,它可能会影响玉米的授粉过程。