For those not pupated, the rate is relatively low. 凡未化蛹者,内印茧率均较低。
During the whole process, recorded the time when eggs hatched, larvae pupated and adult emerged. 在实验的整个过程中记录下各组卵的孵化时间、幼虫化蛹时间、成蝇羽化时间。
The peak of pupation is found during 6:00~ 10:00, the number of pupation in 0~ 3mm deep soil layer accounts for about 80% of the total pupated. 幼虫孵出后即潜入叶肉取食,经3~4d即老熟,老熟幼虫爬出虫道化蛹的高峰期在6:00~10:00。化蛹在土表至土层3mm深处,这一土层中的化蛹数占总数的80%左右。
The expression of most genes showed increasing gradually in larval stage and reducing after pupated, nearly could not be detected in moth. 幼虫期,多数基因的表达量都呈逐渐升高的趋势;化蛹后,其表达量逐渐降低;羽化前,几乎所有这些基因都不再表达。