The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat. 该词典的新版为该语言新增了7,000个词条,纯粹主义者们称该语言正面临威胁。
Purists of "l33t speak" often substitute a "7" for the final "t," expressing a" w007 "of victory when they defeat an online gaming opponent. 坚持使用“精英语言”的人常用“7”来替代w00t的最后一个字母“t”,因此他们在游戏中打败对手、获得胜利时常会说“w007”。
Purists might argue that it costs CPU and channel resources to perform the extra GETPAGEs, and they would be right. 纯粹主义者可能认为,它会占用CPU和通道资源来执行额外的GETPAGE,他们可能是对的。
( For purists, the-a option can copy some extra elements check the documentation but only if you are running rsync as root in the server, which isn't a secure thing to do anyway.) (如果作为根在服务器上运行rsync,-a选项可能会复制一些额外的内容请查阅文档这不是一种安全的做法)。
The object-oriented purists will enjoy Python's true object orientation, and "first-class" classes and functions. 面向对象的追随者会对Python中真正的面向对象思想感到欣喜,当然还包括它的“一级”类和函数。
That's a prospect that horrifies Net purists. 这种前景让网络净化者感到忧虑。
Olympic purists have always considered the medals table somewhat crass. After all, the important thing is supposed to be the taking part. 奥林匹克纯粹主义者一向认为奖牌榜有点粗俗。毕竟,重要之处理应在于参与。
Print purists doubt that listening to a book while multitasking delivers the same experience as sitting down and silently reading. 追求纯正印刷书的人们认为,在做其他事情的时候听一本书带来的体验赶不上坐下来静静阅读。
Many stamp purists are unhappy about all the sales in China& and especially the volatility in prices. 许多纯粹的集邮者对中国的各宗销售交易,特别是对价格的波动颇为不满。
On Friday, Chinese television audiences watched the final of a national spelling bee competition that has both enthralled the nation and revved up cultural purists worried about the declining ability of many Chinese to write their own language. 上周五,中国电视观众观看了《汉字听写大会》的决赛,这个比赛不仅吸引了全国观众,而且令文化纯粹主义者更担心许多中国人的汉字书写能力正在下降的问题。
The show has touched a nerve in China, where purists complain that smartphones are eroding language skills, thanks to the frequent use of emoticons and software that lets people write faster using the pinyin system, where Chinese words are written phonetically in Latin script. 《汉字听写大会》触动了中国人的一根神经。在中国,纯粹主义者抱怨说,由于表情符号和能够使人们写字更快的拼音输入法的大量使用,智能手机正在腐蚀人们的语言技能。
While bitcoin critics claim the currency is vulnerable to misuse because people can make transactions without their real names or addresses, Mr. Wilson and other bitcoin purists says it isn't secret enough. 比特币的批评人士指出,鉴于人们在进行交易时不必使用真实姓名或住址,比特币极易被误用。然而,威尔森和其他比特币狂热分子却说,这种虚拟货币的保密性还不够强。
However MSNBC says some purists are offended that Coca-Cola is veering from its traditional red cans, and some deluded sippers feel that the soda tastes different in white cans. 但是MSNBC报道说一些追随者被冒犯了,因为可口可乐改变了其原有的红色罐装,甚至一些痴迷的饮者认为白罐中的碳酸水味道与以前不同。
This means the money it issued to the commercial banks would not be backed by anything, and that makes purists uncomfortable. 这意味着,它向商业银行发放的资金背后将没有任何东西支持,这让纯正主义者们感到不舒服。
The purists, known as "freshwater" economists because of the lakeside universities where they happened to congregate, blamed stagflation on restless central bankers trying to do too much. 纯粹主义者,由于集中处于几个湖畔大学中,也被称为“淡水学派”经济学家。他们将滞涨归咎于永不休止的央行银行家门试图干预过多。
Few things enrage design purists more than suggesting that good design is all about looks. 没什么能比告诉设计纯化论者优秀设计只和外观有关如此观点更另他们生气得了。
Purists bemoan the corruption of the language. She can speak pure English. 主张语文纯正的人哀叹语言趋于不纯。她能讲纯正的英语。
The idea of modifying mortgages appals legal purists as a violation of the sanctity of contract. 法律卫道士对修正抵押条款的想法感到惊骇,将其视作对契约神圣性的侵犯。
Code generation: The purists will insist that there is no place for code generation in ORM, because a well-thought-out object model should be coded by hand. 自动生成代码:纯粹主义者会坚持在ORM不应该有这项功能,因为好的对象模型应该手工来写代码。
So why not give an entity all behavioral and state responsibilities, thus including the responsibility to perform persistence operations, as advocated by OO purists? 为什么不把所有的行为性和状态性职责都赋给实体呢,就像OO纯粹主义者所倡导的那样,让实体自己负责持久化操作。
Purists were shocked by the changes made to the text of the play. 抱有纯粹主义观点的人对该剧语言中的更改感到震惊。
The market purists are counting on currency adjustments – especially sharp appreciation of currencies in developing Asia – to temper the transmission of price pressures from these export-led economies. 市场至上论者则寄希望于汇率调整&尤其是发展中亚洲国家货币的大幅升值,以缓和这些出口驱动型经济体价格压力的传递。
Purists will argue with me when I say there are applications for using corrections in the marker training system. 纯粹的响片训练者对我在响片训练中使用纠正会有争论。
For the purists there are, for the first time in years, explanations and sketches of his famous bridal bouquets. 对追求纯艺术的人来说,这里首次发表了葛雷欧那些著名的新娘手捧花束的设计和解说。
Abbreviations may thus be one of the last bastions for language purists, leaving some people to wonder, will'CCTV'be next? 因而,缩写词可能是汉语纯净论者要攻克的最后一个堡垒。或许有人会想,下一个就该轮到“CCTV”了吧?
A new McDonald's ad featuring Gallic champion Asterix enjoying a burger and fries has sparked outrage among French comic purists who see it as an insult to their national heritage, Reuters reported. 据路透社报道,在麦当劳的一则新广告中,高卢英雄阿斯特里克斯扮演主角,享用着汉堡和薯条。这在持纯粹主义的法国漫画迷里掀起了波澜,他们认为这是对国家遗产的侮辱。