Small Central American tree having loose racemes of purple-tinted green flowers. 中美小型树种,松散的总状花序,开略带紫色的绿色花。
Middle-aged men with purple-tinted glasses and women in traditional dress, visiting South Korean sponsors and Manhattan matrons in fur, they all leapt to their feet to celebrate the New York Philharmonic's emotionally charged debut performance in Pyongyang. 不管是戴着紫色眼镜的中年男子与身着传统衣裙的朝鲜妇女,还是到访的韩国主办方与身穿皮草的曼哈顿太太,全都起身庆祝纽约爱乐乐团(NewYorkPhilharmonic)在平壤激情四溢的首演。
Erect subshrub having purple-tinted flowers and an inflated pod in which the ripe seeds rattle; India. 直立半灌木,浅紫色花,成熟的种子在鼓胀的荚里哗哗响;印度。