
英 [pəˈpɔːtɪdli] 美 [pərˈpɔːrtɪdli]

adv.  据称; 据传

BNC.24292 / COCA.16216


  1. ADV 据称;据传
    If you say that something has purportedly been done, you mean that you think that it has been done but you cannot be sure.
    1. He was given a letter purportedly signed by the Prime Minister.


  1. He was given a letter purportedly signed by the Prime Minister.
  2. To be truly effective, Occupy Wall Street will need money ( they purportedly have$ 40,000 in the bank), the one key thing they appear to be protesting.
  3. CNN can not independently verify the authenticity of the audio recording, which was purportedly made by Khalaf during a speech to followers in the southern port city of Merca.
  4. Certain languages that are now emerging purportedly make the tasks easier, but these languages are not yet widely used.
  5. Someone who receives an encrypted message that's purportedly from you can use your public key to decrypt the message and compare it with some expected value.
  6. The video, titled How Americans Live Today, features an English voiceover purportedly translating the original Korean narration.
  7. The Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo has published a classified document purportedly showing that US security services monitored more than 60 million Spanish telephone calls in a single month.
  8. The email purportedly from Carolyn Bourne warned her stepson's fiance about her poor etiquette.
  9. The debate focuses on a purportedly unfair division of the spoils of economic activity rather than an unjust split of free time.
  10. The tea culture involved is attractive besides the relaxation it generates, allowing them to purportedly forget all the trouble in their life during the process of brewing, serving and drinking tea.
  11. Recent photographs, purportedly showing Mr Kim at a football match, revealed a dangling left arm.
  12. The USPTO has taken to requiring a working prototype of anything that purportedly breaches the laws of physics.
  13. The show of zeal by Labour MPs on June8th was purportedly stage-managed by them.
  14. Dated inspection certificate in one copy, purportedly signed by an authorized representative of* SHANGHAI.
  15. The drills were held shortly after Israel purportedly conducted an air maneuver over the eastern Mediterranean and Greece in early June in what was considered as preparation for a war against Iran.
  16. So, purportedly, said Napoleon some 200 years ago.
  17. By questioning the truth of the purportedly factual statement on which the advertiser's conclusion is based.
  18. Mr Blair, for all his political qualities and purportedly pro-European views, has never been a comfortable operator on the EU stage.
  19. Than on the events you purportedly witnessed?
  20. CloudFlare makes a cloud-based software program that purportedly helps protect websites from security violations such as malware and denial of service attacks.
  21. Record-breaking Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps issued an apology on Sunday after a British newspaper published a photograph purportedly showing him smoking marijuana, Reuters reported.
  22. A letter sent to the Hong Kong market regulator, and seen by the FT, purportedly from "a concerned international investor", accused Zoomlion of "suspected fraud" and "disclosure of false information".
  23. In this bestselling book, Cahill sets out to show that the world we live in and everything we do and think, is purportedly a result of the Jewish "revolution" in history.
  24. Beer goggles are fictitious eyeglasses which purportedly cause an inebriated wearer to see members of the opposite sex as more romantically attainable or physically attractive than they actually are.
  25. A person may sometimes he estopped from denying that another person is his agent, or that an unauthorized transaction purportedly entered into on his behalf was valid.
  26. Thus an amalgamy was introduced between the tradition attributed to the Greek Hermes Trismegistus and Jewish mysticism purportedly descending from moses.
  27. Mayor Oh Se-Hoon launched the campaign last year, purportedly to improve efficiency.
  28. Classic Kaposi's sarcoma in a Nepalese woman from a purportedly nonendemic area
  29. The play is loosely based on a news report of the relationship between a French diplomat and a male Chinese opera singer who purportedly convinced the diplomat that he was a woman throughout their twenty-year relationship.



  1. believed or reputed to be the case

      Synonym:    supposedly