
英 [pəˈpɔːtɪŋ] 美 [pərˈpɔːrtɪŋ]

v.  自称; 标榜


  1. VERB 声称;自称;标榜
    If you say that someone or something purports to do or be a particular thing, you mean that they claim to do or be that thing, although you may not always believe that claim.
    1. ...a book that purports to tell the whole truth.


  1. Therefore, much was made of a recent Pew Research poll purporting to show a sharp rise in conflicts between rich and poor.
  2. Professor Finkelstein's comments came on the same day a video emerged purporting to show'a mothership and its fleet'zipping around in the clouds above a BBC building in central London.
  3. The Daily Mail included photographs purporting to be the Queen gambling on horse racing amongst her subjects at a local Bookmaker.
  4. Isis posted images on Twitter purporting to show the execution of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers, inflaming passions among the Shia community, although the pictures could not be verified.
  5. Any document purporting to be a document duly executed under the common seal of the Council shall, unless there is evidence to the contrary, be deemed to be a document so executed and shall be received in evidence without further proof.
  6. Various fraudulent schemes purporting to be from or associated with the World Health Organization ( WHO), have been circulating.
  7. The person so charged inspected an identity card or passport purporting to be the identity card or passport of the juvenile and believed on reasonable grounds that the juvenile was not a juvenile;
  8. China is locked in a Dale Carnegie era, with bookstore shelves dominated by titles purporting to explain how to gain a leg up.
  9. Many tales were accompanied with photos purporting to show spiders half the size of a human.
  10. They have published stacks of studies ( and a Book) purporting to show that minimum wages hit jobs.
  11. A photograph purporting to be the first sighting of a South China tiger for more than 30 years has prompted a search for the endangered animal.
  12. If Oswald or someone purporting to be oswald.
  13. A letter purporting to come from his father
  14. To its defenders, trash has the virtue of honesty-of not purporting to be anything other than what it is, which is, well, trash
  15. A man purporting to be her long-lost uncle.
  16. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any document purporting to impose different terms, these Terms and Conditions will prevail.
  17. A recent analysis purporting to show the opposite has added to controversy over the bill.
  18. Cindy Adams ( Columnist): He's not purporting to be Mother Teresa.
  19. Aviation buffs are buzzing over blurry photographs now surfacing on Chinese military websites purporting to show Beijing's first stealth fighter jet, the Chengdu J-20 fighter.
  20. No registered ship shall fly any colours purporting to be or closely resembling the proper colours which are not the proper colours.
  21. There were advertisements for cosmetics purporting to delay the development of wrinkles.
  22. The overarching theme was a group of puppets purporting to be a pop band.
  23. Discovering this, the mischievous boy wrote Meg a passionate love-letter, purporting to be from Brooke.
  24. ( law) a defense by an accused person purporting to show that he or she could not have committed the crime in question.
  25. They had reportedly taken counterfeit copies of drugs purporting to treat erectile dysfunction but which contained a hefty dose of glyburide, used for treating diabetes.
  26. Fans encountering any web pages purporting to be written by United players should treat them with extreme scepticism.
  27. The State Department countered the accusation with a lizard of statistics purporting to show improvement.
  28. Unfortunately, the antitrust law purporting to eliminate administrative monopoly ignores property, a core institution that exerts an important effect on protection.
  29. China shall clarify relevant procedural issues and supplementary and cooperative systems as soon as possible, purporting to establish and improve the legal system of non-extradition of the capital fugitives of China.