The authorities have been too pusillanimous in merely condemning the violence. 当局对暴行只是进行了谴责,真是太胆小怕事了。
Moderation, cooperation, compromise, and bipartisanship are lame reflections of a pusillanimous past and of a "pathetic and exhausted leadership" incapable of winning elections. 中庸、合作、妥协以及两党关系则是昔日优柔寡断和无法赢得大选的“悲凉无望的领导班子”的残缺写照。
It is time the Fund's top brass said so publicly and, by refusing to lend more without a deal on debt, pushed Europe's pusillanimous politicians into doing the right thing. 是让国际货币基金组织高层对此公开表示,并且通过拒绝借更多钱给尚未处理债务问题的国家,来促使欧洲那些谨小慎微的政治家做正确的事情了的时候。
He's too pusillanimous to stand up to his opponents. 他太懦弱了,不能勇敢地面对他的对手。