VERB 过于谨慎;持暧昧态度;观望 If you say that someone is pussyfooting around, you are criticizing them for behaving in a too cautious way because they are not sure what to do and are afraid to commit themselves.
Why don't they stop pussyfooting around and say what they really mean? 他们为什么不能不再闪烁其词,说出他们真正的意图呢?
Why don't they stop pussyfooting around and say what they really mean? 他们为什么不能不再闪烁其词,说出他们真正的意图呢?
South Korea, which has an altogether sturdier economy than Vietnam, does not have to pussyfoot around to the same extent. 韩国经济总体上比越南更强健,不必如此谨慎地行事。
The un's member-nations can no longer afford to pussyfoot around the issue. 联合国会员再也经不起畏首畏尾。
The moral behind this cover is," If you are going to use a negative image, don't pussyfoot around, do it with conviction. " 这期封面告诉我们,“如果你打算使用负面图像,不要谨小慎微,只管放心地去用。”