I think he intended it as a put-down comment. 我认为他的评论有奚落贬低之意。
I see the term as a put-down of women 我认为这个词是对女性的贬低。
She was getting very sick of Mick's put-downs. 她越来越厌烦米克的奚落。
A sharp put-down was the only way to shut her up. 对她冷嘲热讽是让她闭嘴的唯一方法。
It is usually a waste of time approaching this woman; she may be ready with a castrating put-down. 通常来说,要接近这类女子是浪费时间,她或许早就准备好羞辱试图接近自己的人。
And since it contains its share of articulate losers, it is also about mockery, the put-down, the loser's shrug(" whaddya gonna do"). 可是,伴随着那些清晰可见的失意者,纽约也充满了嘲弄,贬低和无奈(常说的一句话:你打算做什么?)
She couldn't think of a good put-down quickly enough. 她没能立即想出一句有力的反讥。
On receipt of this put-down I always feel much better. 每次被这样说一顿之后,我都感觉好多了。
Each time I catch myself using a put-down, I quietly shift the pebble into the other pocket and say to myself kindly," Well, maybe I can say that differently next time. " 每次我抓到自己对别人奚落的行为时,我会把这颗鹅卵石放到另一个口袋里,温和的对自己说,“下次,我也许可以用不同的方式来说这件事。”
Shelly's declining to go to the dance with me was a major put-down. 谢莉拒绝与我一起参加舞会是对我的蔑视。
If those thoughts spell gloom and doom, that's where you're headed, because put-down words sabotage confidence instead of offering support and encouragement. 如果这些想法意味着黑暗和毁灭,那你就会走进黑暗和被毁灭,因为贬低的话语会摧毁你的信心,而不会鼓励你、支持你。
Woman'S Beauty: Put-Down or Power Source? 女性美:压迫之咒还是力量之源?
The beautiful scenery inspired the composer. 3. A Woman's Beauty: Put-down or Power Source? 美丽的景色使作曲家灵思泉涌。女人的美丽:是自我贬抑还是力量源泉?
Listen to what change they're wanting you to make, ignore the put-down. 听听他们想要你做出哪些改变,别在意那些令人难堪的言行。
For all Friedman's charm, I received from him one of the best put-down remarks I have ever encountered. 尽管弗里德曼极富魅力,但我也从他那里遭到了平生最大的奚落。
Write down these negative put-down thoughts and challenge them with reality. 写下来那些负面的想法,然后用现实去挑战这些想法。
Your mate will consider this a personal put-down and will immediately move into a defensive posture. 你的另一半会觉得这是很严重的攻击,他会马上做出防御的姿态。