Effect of Intensive Insulin Therapy on Inflammatory Level of Biliary Pyemia 强化胰岛素治疗对胆源性脓毒症炎症反应水平的影响
Effect of Prescription of Dredging Intestines to Dispel Heat for Enema on Postoperative Serum C-reactive Protein Content in Acute Abdomen Induced by Pyemia 通腑泻热灌肠剂对急腹症脓毒症术后血清C-反应蛋白的影响
In shock stage, infection stage, pyemia stage G-germ is the main. 休克期、感染期、和脓毒症期以G-菌为主。
Early clinical diagnosis and treatment of vibrio pyemia 弧菌性脓毒血症的早期临床诊断与治疗
Results: All the66 cases weren't showed abdominal residual abscess, infection of portal vein and pyemia. 结果:66例患者手术后均未出现腹腔残余脓肿、门脉感染及脓毒血症。
We have proceeded with numerous researches on general inflammatory reaction syndrome, pyemia, multiple organ disfunction syndrome, acute respiratory distress syndrome and so on. 对全身炎症反应综合征、脓毒症、多脏器功能障综合征、急性呼吸窘迫给合征等热点问题,国内也进行了大量研究工作。
It has been found that estrogen can prevent or attenuate the injury of heart and brain induced by ischemia-reperfusion. what is more, it can decrease the incidence of Pyemia and death because estrogen can normalize immune responses after trauma-hemorrhage shock. 研究表明,雌激素可以减轻或预防心、脑等缺血再灌注损伤,能够维持创伤失血性休克后的免疫功能,降低脓毒血症的发生率以及死亡率。