For a century, the North American auto market was an island of dinosaurs surrounded by an ocean of pygmies. 一个世纪以来,美国汽车市场好比一个与世隔绝的恐龙岛,其他国家的汽车和美国车一比都成了侏儒。
Before we knew it, our hybrid pygmies were nearly as big as watermelons. 不知不觉中,我们的迷你兔都快赶上西瓜大小了。
The list also includes a dance, the Argentinian tango, and the singing of the Aka pygmies of the Central African Republic. 名单中还包括一种舞蹈,阿根廷探戈,和中非共和国的阿卡俾格米人的歌。
The original inhabit-ants were a tribe of pygmies. 原始居民是俾格米部落。
Indigenous groups among them the Pygmies rely almost entirely on the forest. 土著人群(其中包括卑格米人)几乎完全靠森林为生。
No one outside Africa can "own" these pygmies. 任何非洲以外的人都不能“拥有”这些俾格米人。
They trust you, the pygmies. you've tamed them. 那两个俾格米人信任你。你驯服了他们。
But the pygmies have to be innocent. 但俾格米人必须是无辜的。
But antibodies in the blood of pygmies shows that the disease has probably been endemic in Central Africa for a long time. 但是俾格米人血液中的抗体表明这种疾病很长一段时间以来有可能只是中非的地方病而已。
Some non-African pygmies live outside forests and many live in cool, dry areas. 一些非-非洲的侏儒生活在丛林以外,很多生活在寒冷、干燥的地区。
Criticism from these political pygmies doesn't worry me at all. 来自于这些政治小人的批评根本不使我担心。
We vary in size from the smallest pygmies of South Africa to the tallest Dinaric people of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia. 人类高矮各异,最矮的有南非的矮人族,最高的有波斯尼亚、西伯利亚、和克罗地亚使用第纳尔货币的民族。
Tom Lantos, then a congressman from California, castigated Yahoo's management, saying'while technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pygmies. 来自加州的国会议员兰特斯(TomLantos)当时严厉地批评了雅虎的管理层,称其虽然在技术和经济上是巨人,但却是精神上的侏儒。
To overcome illiteracy barriers, Lewis decided to create pictorial icons for the action buttons rather than words so that the Pygmies could click and identify important sites on the GPS sets. 为了克服文盲障碍,Lewis决定用画面图标(而不是文字)来表示行动按钮,以便卑格米人能按下GPS按钮并确定重要的位置。
For instance, the short stature of pygmies could be a side effect of selection for early childbearing in populations where mortality is high, rather than an adaptation in itself. 比如,矮人的短小身材可能是受高死亡率地区的群体早生早育影响而产生的副作用,而不是自身的适应性。
"Getting the Pygmies to do the mapping was fundamentally important to recognizing their rights over the forest," said Scott Poynton, executive director of Tropical Forest Trust ( TFT). “让卑格米人绘制地图对承认他们的森林权利来说具有根本的重要意义,”热带雨林信托基金(TFT)的执行董事ScottPoynton说。
Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies. 官僚政治是一种由侏儒操纵的庞大机构。
The two pygmies are safe and well and I am healing fast. 两个俾格米人安然无恙,我的伤势也愈合得很快。
The GPS device allows Pygmies to pinpoint sacred trees, ancestral hunting grounds, and plants which should not be touched during the season when they yield special fruits or caterpillars. GPS设备使卑格米人能够定位圣树、传统的狩猎场、以及由于生长着特殊果实或昆虫幼虫因而在具体季节不能扰动的植物。
Once the Pygmies identify a tree or area, it is marked by painting the tree trunks. 卑格米人在确定了某棵树或地区之后,就用颜色在树干上作出标记。
Shall a man go and hang himself because he belongs to the race of pygmies, and not be the biggest pygmy that he can? 难道一个人属于矮子一类便该上吊?为什么他不能做矮子中最长的一人。
In "economic giant, political pygmies" status of Japan to seize this favorable opportunity, determined to use their own advantages to politics after the Cold War and military power forward, and in the new world pattern occupies an important seat. 处于经济巨人、政治侏儒地位的日本抓住这一有利时机,决心要利用冷战后的自身优势向政治和军事大国迈进,并且在新的世界格局中占据重要一席。