Research on Diagnostic and Treatment Technique of Endometritis and Pyometra in Canine 犬子宫内膜炎和子宫蓄脓诊疗技术研究
Decreased likelihood of developing certain hormone-dependent illnesses such as testicular cancer, prostate hypertrophy, prostatic cancer, mammary cancer and pyometra. 降低可能患荷尔蒙相关疾病的可能性,如睾丸癌,前列腺肥大,前列腺癌,乳腺癌和子宫积脓。
Pyometra is a potentially lethal uterine infection. 子宫蓄脓是一种可以致命的子宫感染。
The Significance of Draining and Washing Cavity of Uterus by Three-Way Joint Urethral Catheter in Treating Pyometra: Attached 1 Case Report 三通导尿管引流和冲洗宫腔在治疗宫腔积脓中的意义:附病例报告1例
Application of hysteroscopy to diagnosis and treatment of postmenopausal pyometra 宫腔镜在绝经后宫腔积脓诊断和治疗中研究
Both of these issues can create a problem for the female, as she may end up with a pyometra before she conceives. 这会给母猫带来麻烦,因为它可能会在怀孕之前患上子宫蓄脓。
Besides tumours, there were a number of pyometra in group 1~ 3, especially ingroup 1 and 3 with very high incidences of 78. 6% and 81. 4% respectively. 除肿瘤外,在第1、3两组动物有较多子宫积脓,其发生率分别达78.6和81.4%。
Study on diagnoses of 96 cases of canine pyometra 96例犬子宫蓄脓病例诊断研究
Ultrasound diagnosis of pyometra in elderly woman: 21 cases 超声诊断老年妇女宫腔积脓21例
Diagnosis and operative treatment of pyometra in aged canine 老龄犬子宫蓄脓的诊断和手术治疗
B-mode ultrasonic image can show characteristics of those diseases, such as endometritis, stillbirth, abortion, pyometra, gas-swollen foetus and foetal deformity, and so on. 试验表明,B超可显示渗出性子宫内膜炎、死胎、流产、子宫积液、气肿胎和胎儿畸形等疾病的特征性声像图。
The Diagnoses and Treatment of Pyometra of Dogs 犬子宫积脓的诊断及治疗
Microscopical and ultramicroscopical structure of the uterus and ovary from 96 canine pyometra cases were observed with microtomy and light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy to discuss the etiology of canine pyometra. 应用超薄切片、光学及电子显微镜检查等技术,对临床上96例犬子宫蓄脓病例卵巢和子宫作显微、超微结构的观察,探讨其发病机制。
Pyometra regarded as one of the most common illnesses of genital system is often seen in adult bitches. It is characterised by uterine bacterial infection leading to subsequent systemic illness. 子宫畜脓是母犬生殖系统最为常见的疾病之一,多发于成年犬,其发病特点是子宫受到细菌感染随后导致全身多系统损伤的疾病。
The structures of endometria were full or partially destroyed by the process of pyometra and endometritis. The surfaces of endometria were accidented. The structures of normal tissue and opening of glands could not be seen. 子宫积脓或子宫内膜炎使子宫内膜的结构全部或部分破损,上皮表面凹凸不平,看不到正常的组织结构和腺体开口。
Among the diseases in dogs, veterinarians and pet owners pay more attention to pyometra, because it has higher incidence and harmfulness. 在众多犬的疾病中,子宫蓄脓症因发病率高,危害性大,逐渐引起兽医和宠物主人的关注。
In most of the ill bitches a variable degree of inflammation also found though some bitches were misdiagnosed as pyometra had no inflammatory reaction in the uterus. 绝大多数患病犬的子宫内有炎症反应,但也有些具有子宫积脓临床指征的犬子宫内却没有炎性变化。
According to the cervix open or not, pyometra is divided into open and closed type. 根据子宫颈开放与否分为开放型和闭锁型。
Along with the application of advanced instruments in the pet clinic, B ultrasonic diagnosis and X-ray diagnosis are important means for pyometra. The treatment methods of pyometra include conservative treatment and surgical treatment. 目前,子宫蓄脓症的诊断方法包括临床诊断和实验室诊断,随着先进仪器在宠物临床上的大量应用,B超、X线也成为子宫蓄脓症诊断的重要手段。