The scene is sickeningly familiar: thousands of pig, sheep and cow carcasses being piled on funeral pyres. 我们常见的被这种疾病笼罩的情景是:数千头猪、羊和牛的尸体正堆在焚烧用的柴堆上。
And now these veins will purge like pyres. 而今这些血管就要干净,像是火葬的灰烬。
She clutched her fist tightly and searched for the figure of Otsu beside the funeral pyres. 她握紧五根手指,往火葬场方向寻找大津的影子。
They spend weeks creating elaborate pyres, often in the shape of a sacred bull, and burn their coffin-sheathed dead in joyous public ceremonies. 他们花数周事件摆一精心制作的柴堆,通常比较象牺牲用的公牛,接着在喜庆的仪式中火葬有棺有椁的逝者。