Determination of pyridostigmine bromide in human plasma by reversed phase ion pair chromatography and its application in bioequivalence 反相离子对色谱法测定溴吡斯的明的血药浓度及生物等效性研究
Effect of levodopa and pyridostigmine bromide on secretion of pituitary growth hormone 左旋多巴和吡啶斯的明对脑垂体生长激素分泌的影响
Anti-cholinesterase, such as pyridostigmine was used to control the MG symptoms. 疗中应用抗胆碱酯酶药物控制肌无力症状。
Methods: The control group of 20 normal children and pituitary gnome group of 30 patients were included in this study. The two groups took levodopa and pyridostigmine bromide respectively as stimulants for pituitary secretion. 方法:正常对照组20例、垂体性侏儒组30例,分别用左旋多巴和吡啶斯的明刺激。
Cholinergic stimulation with pyridostigmine protects against exercise induced myocardial ischaemia 吡斯的明的胆碱能兴奋作用可防止运动诱发的心肌缺血
Conclusions: Levodopa and pyridostigmine bromide have obvious stimulative effect on pituitary secretion of hGH, and may be used as stimulants in hGH stimulation test. 结论:左旋多巴和吡啶斯的明对脑垂体生长激素的分泌有良好的刺激作用,可以作为hGH激发试验的刺激药物。
Applying pyridostigmine bromide and prednisone could prevent the recurrence of the crisis. 使用溴化吡啶斯的明和泼尼松可防止危象再发生。
Objective: To observe the effect of levodopa and pyridostigmine bromide on secrection of pituitary growth hormone ( hGH). 目的:观察左旋多巴和吡啶斯的明对脑垂体生长激素(hGH)分泌的影响。